Shareholder Engagement and Activism Case Studies Inspire Over 170 Conference Attendees
Dr Eva Chan, Founding Chairman of HKIRA, said, "As co-organisers of the conference, HKIRA and ONC Lawyers, are very grateful with the enthusiastic response received from the participants this year. Shareholders and activists have become more and more assertive in recent years, with the latter more diverse than in the past, both in terms of their agendas and strategies. As Investor Relations Officers of listed companies are typically the first persons contacted by investors when they reach out to listed companies, we believe in-depth understanding on the development of shareholder engagement and activism is highly important to the IR officers, many of whom are our members, and IR professionals in the industry. Such knowledge is crucial to helping the senior management of listed company timely and effectively communicate with shareholders and investors, essential for the company to sustain long-term business development and maximise its value."
The half-day conference featured the most brilliant minds from Hong Kong and worldwide, who shared their unique views and valuable experience about shareholder engagement and activism issues and participants were encouraged to engage in productive conversation conducive to advancing shareholder well-being.
Mr Sherman Yan, Managing Partner of ONC Lawyers, said, "We are honoured to have co-organised this important event with HKIRA again this year and are delighted with the tremendous support for the event from the investment and legal community. The conference served multiple purposes, including keeping IR professionals abreast of legal issues of shareholder engagement and activism in Hong Kong and international trends of shareholder activism. We believe participants could benefit from the sharing about local market development and gain useful insights from the case studies of the different styles of shareholder activism overseas including the United States and Europe. We had very constructive discussions this year and ONC Lawyers will continue to support promotion of awareness with regard to shareholder engagement and activism among the public, as well as listed companies and investors."
Strategic Public Relations Group is proud to be the Official Public Relations Partner and Sponsor of the conference.
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) is a non-profit professional association comprising investor relations practitioners and corporate officers responsible for communication between corporate management and the investment community. HKIRA advocates the setting of international standards in IR education, advances the best IR practices and meets the professional development needs of those interested in pursuing the investor relations profession.
HKIRA is dedicated to advancing the practice of IR as well as the professional competency and status of its members. To date, HKIRA has over 820 members most of whom are working for companies primarily listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. About 60% of the Hang Seng Index Constituent Stock companies are currently members of HKIRA. HKIRA's members are from a wide spectrum of professions including IR, finance, accounting, company secretarial to corporate investment and hold positions at different corporate levels, including top executives responsible for IR and management of listed companies.
For more information about HKIRA, please visit
About ONC Lawyers
ONC Lawyers is a professional and dynamic legal practice based in Hong Kong. We have been growing continuously since our establishment in 1992, and have now become one of the largest local law firms with more than 150 members of legally-qualified and supporting staff.
The major areas of practice of our lawyers include banking & finance, capital market, China practice, construction & arbitration, corporate & commercial, criminal litigation, employment, family & matrimonial, immigration, insolvency & restructuring, insurance & personal injury, intellectual property & technology, litigation & dispute resolution, notary public services, real estate, securities, futures & funds, shipping & logistics and wills & probate.
For more information about ONC Lawyers, please visit for more information.
Media enquiries:
Strategic Public Relations Group
Cindy Lung / Angela Wong / Rachel Ko
Tel: +852 2864 4867 / +852 2114 4953 / +852 2114 2370
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Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
Kiki Lee
Tel: +852 2117 1846
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