
Showing posts from April, 2019


香港特区行政长官林郑月娥与“Q优点”产品团队代表及其他获奖者合照 “银河编程师”产品团队代表 HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - 全球领先的互联网社区创建者—网龙网络控股有限公司(“网龙”或“本公司”;香港交易所股份代号:777)近日欣然宣布旗下科技公司创奇思的两个产品 – “Q优点”手机应用程序及“银河编程师”分别荣获2019香港资讯及通讯科技奖之智慧出行奖“智慧旅游组别”银奖及智慧市民“智慧教育及学习组别”优异奖,本次获奖是对创奇思不断追求创新卓越及以科技造福社会之精神的高度肯定。 创立自2006年,香港资讯及通讯科技奖是香港科技界一年一度的盛事,由香港政府资讯科技总监办公室策划,并由各个领域的相关专业团体或业界组织联合筹办,旨在鼓励香港业界精英和企业不断追求创新和卓越,寻求更佳和更具创意的方案,满足企业的营运需要,从而造福社会。香港资讯及通讯科技奖通过由资深业内人士组成的评审委员会严格评审,基于五大准则:创新及创意、功能、市场潜力及表现、裨益及影响、以及质量,筛选出最具创意及最优秀的产品项目及创作团队,每年的得奖者均备受国际关注及认可。香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥女士作为主礼嘉宾出席本次颁奖典礼。 此次创奇思的得奖产品之一“Q优点”手机应用程序是由优质旅游服务协会、香港生产力促进局和网龙子公司创奇思携手开发。“Q优点”透过创奇思研发的Starbeacon智能定位技术,分析个别用户的习惯,按用户的位置及消费习惯数据提供最相关的零售及餐饮优惠给消费者;商户则可掌握数据分办客户类型及评估推广成效,并透过数据分析获得前瞻洞见。 另一得奖产品“银河编程师”是一个为5岁或以上学生设计的计算思维学习平台,它结合有趣的编码学习应用程序、线下活动、教材、学习分析报告与教师管理系统,不但能够为小学生提供独一无二同时具有高参与度的学习体验,也可以培养学生掌握解难思维、批判性思维、沟通技巧、领导能力等关键的思维模式及学习能力,更透过人工智能技术精确评估学生的学习进度。 网龙旗下子公司创奇思多年来专注研发虚拟现实、扩增实境、计算机视觉、人脸追踪、电子钱包与智能定位等技术,并成功应用于创新的商业流动解决方案,更与网龙旗下教育子公司华渔携手将这些技术应用延展至教育领域,致力...

Cherrypicks, Subsidiary of NetDragon, Wins Two Awards at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019

Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, representatives of "QPoint" product team and other award winners Representatives of "Coding Galaxy" product team HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited ("NetDragon" or "the Company", Hong Kong Stock Code: 777), a global leader in building internet communities, is pleased to announce that two products, "QPoint" mobile application and "Coding Galaxy", both developed by Cherrypicks, a subsidiary of NetDragon, have won the "Smart Mobility (Smart Tourism) Silver Award" and the "Smart People (Smart Education and Learning) Certificate of Merit" from the 2019 Hong Kong ICT Awards. These awards validate Cherrypicks' persistent pursuit of innovation and its contribution to the society with its technology. The Hong Kong ICT Awards, established in 2006, is an ann...

Colletrix 非同质代币(NFT)生态系统颠覆知识产权营销行业

HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - Colletrix今天宣布正式启动其项目并发布白皮书,可在https://colletrix.com下载。 Colletrix项目将使用区块链技术彻底改变知识产权(IP)和商品销售行业,为原始知识产权所有者和消费者都带来利益。作为与Bitwork加速器一起发布的一部分,Colletrix将在本月稍晚时候在几个交易所提交其首次交易发行(IEO)申请。 Colletrix将使用ERC – 721非同质代币(NFT)技术将知识产权创作/设计转换为数字资产,其可与实体商品配对,作为收藏品出售。消费者可以在安全可靠的加密货币交易所收集和交易非同质代币,以便在将来获得更多利益。 原始知识产权所有者通过从非同质代币的每笔交易中获得永久许可证费,因此可以在他们的创作之后很长时间获得终身的货币化收益。消费者通过拥有数字资产及其实体商品,不仅可以支持他们喜爱的艺术家、设计师和品牌(即原始知识产权所有者),还可以享受因设计受欢迎而产生的非同质代币增值。 通过将知识产权经济数字化并为原始知识产权创造者和消费者释放真正的价值,Colletrix将结合传统和新型经济,取两者所长,创建一种全新的商业模式。通过引入Colletrix代币(CIPX,基于ERC-20标准),Colletrix将提供一个分布式基础架构平台,与非同质代币交易平台配对,允许消费者通过其可扩展的生态系统购买不同类型的实体收藏品商品。 该项目得到Bitwork 加速器、UNDONE、Animoca Brands(包括其战略合作伙伴Cryptokitties和Decentraland)和Future Arena的支持。UNDONE将提供其在藏表定制和销售方面的专业知识;Animoca Brands将利用其强大的游戏和角色知识产权集合以及游戏化经验;而Future Arena将发挥其在体育、娱乐知识产权和关键意见领袖方面的强优势,通过区块链技术共同创建一个充满活力的知识产权创造、交易和实体商品生态系统。 请在此处查看有关Colletrix及其白皮书的更多信息: 关于Colletrix( Colletrix获得来自UNDONE、Ani...


LONDON, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - 基于区块链的Roobee投资项目举行IEO以及发行自己代币前,举行了私人投资轮,在几秒中吸引了需要的融资,完成了第一轮私人销售。一位250强比特币持有者中 (他钱包目前持有7000个比特币)比特币鲸鱼(bitcoin whale)进行了100万美元的投资。他通过中转钱包把100万美元(200 BTC)的交易送到了Roobee的钱包,并附加下列的消息:“我相信Roobee”。 这位匿名恩人因其在亚洲大型项目的早期投资而闻名。特别是,本投资者韩国交易所Binance代币上市后,立即购买了该代币。 匿名投资者表示: “Binance代币进入市场后几个月后,我就购买了该代币。最近,该代币价格达到了历史最高点,尽管加密货币市场总体上跟其最高资本额相比下降了5倍多。我在Roobee看到了跟Binance一样的潜力”。 Roobee投资软件已经收到了超过550万美元的投资,已经有两位大型加密货币鲸鱼 (bitcoin wale)参加其投资轮。2018年底,在种子前投资轮中,一位被称为“2亿美元的交易员” (他在一个月内赚了2亿美元后从彭博社获得了这样的绰号)在这个项目上投资了450万美元。 Roobee联合创始人Artem Popov表示:“我很高兴另一位大型比特币投资者刚刚投资了Roobee。本项目在加密货币领域发展了很多年,并对其有影响。这些经验丰富、长期市场参与者的认可,证实了Roobee具有巨大的发展潜力,我们的团队能够真正改善投资世界!” 2018年,该Roobee在欧盟获得了加密货币储存和交换许可证,并进行了一系列成功测试。测试中迄今已有5000多人向区块链项目、投资和风险基金转移了1500多万美元,已有约30万潜在客户形成了该平台上各种项目的社区。 Roobee团队成员曾在高盛、摩根大通、劳埃德银行集团、巴克莱银行、Lazada、三井住友银行、苏格兰皇家银行、意大利联合银行等公司工作。 一位投资者解释说,他因为产品为普通用户带来了好处,而对该项目感兴趣: “Roobee创造人们真正需要的产品,项目结构中已有超过30万个潜在用户。Roobee进入了一个快速增长的万亿美元的市场。Roobee代币会对人家带来真正的好处。该项目旨在解决世界上数百万人...

Disrupting the IP Merchandising Industry with the Colletrix NFT Ecosystem

HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Colletrix announced today the official launch of its project and the release of its whitepaper, available for download on Project Colletrix will use blockchain technology to revolutionize the intellectual property (IP) and merchandising industries, bringing benefits to original IP owners and consumers alike. As part of the launch in conjunction with Bitwork Accelerator, Colletrix will submit its application for an initial exchange offering (IEO) on several exchanges later this month. Colletrix will use ERC-721 non-fungible token (NFT) technology to transform IP creations / designs into digital assets, which can be paired with physical merchandise for sale as collectibles. The NFTs can then be collected and traded for resale by consumers on the reliable and secured crypto exchanges to unlock more benefits in the future. Original IP owners, by receiving perpetual licensing fees from each trade of the N...

2018 UK advertising spend hits £23.6bn following nine years of growth

Business-friendly Brexit result critical to accelerate future growth prospects for UK advertising sector LONDON, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - UK adspend rose 6.3% year-on-year to reach £23.6bn in 2018, marking the ninth consecutive year of market growth and highest annual total since monitoring began in 1982. This record investment is highlighted in today's Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure Report, which is the only one to collect advertising spend data from across the entire media landscape. The final quarter of 2018 recorded expenditure growth of 5.7% over Q4 2017, with adspend reaching £6.5bn. This includes adspend during the crucial Christmas period and marked the 22nd consecutive quarter of market growth. Advertising spend is forecast to grow 4.8% this year, with a further rise, of 5.5%, projected for 2020. This would push investment to over £26bn, completing more than a decade of continuous expansion for...

The Executive Talk: ZEN Corporation Group PCL (SET:ZEN)

BANGKOK, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - ZEN Corporation Group PCL (SET:ZEN) Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Boonyong Tansakul discusses the company's strategy and outlook in The Executive Talk (TET) by TET: Please explain the history of ZEN group. ZEN: ZEN Group was established in 1991 and began creating new experiences in authentic Japanese Food with our first restaurant Zen. Since then, ZEN has continued to create new experiences in Japanese cuisines including contemporary Japanese cafes and yakiniku restaurants. Then in 2016 we looked at ourselves and asked the question 'do we want to remain a Japanese only restaurant group?' and decided that we wanted to expand our capabilities and offerings to include Thai cuisine. Hence, we acquired the "Tummour Group", a renowned restaurant group focused on North Eastern Thai cuisine, an easy to eat concept with multiple existing brands and franchises throughout the country. Following up from thi...

如意集团与星展银行签署战略合作框架协议 共同开拓业务机遇

从左至右:星展集团执行总裁Piyush Gupta先生,如意集团主席邱亚夫先生,新加坡交易所首席执行官罗文才先生。 HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - 中国纺织服装行业领导者及拥有全球知名轻奢侈品牌组合的一体化企业如意集团,与总部位于新加坡的领先金融服务集团星展银行签署战略合作框架协议,进一步加强双方的长期业务关系,支持未来多方位的战略合作。 建基于逾五年的合作关系,星展银行将继续为如意集团提供全面的金融服务,支持其未来战略发展,包括提供资金支持与投资银行服务等,协助如意集团把握业务商机。其中,星展银行将充分利用其在新加坡资本市场的经验和优势,积极协助如意集团与新加坡资本市场对接,包括但不限于发债、搭建上市平台等,为如意集团实现资产战略布局以及与新加坡资本平台衔接。 在中国纺织服装行业中,如意集团的整体竞争力排名第一,并已于美国、欧洲及北亚地区拥有广大的业务据点,与星展银行订立战略伙伴关系有助其进一步加强尤其在东南亚区域的业务,配合其全球发展战略。 如意集团主席邱亚夫在签约仪式上致辞时说:「东南亚一向是集团的策略市场之一,因此我们今天很高兴可加强与星展的战略联盟关系。星展具有强大的业务网络、商业知识及覆盖全金融服务价值链的出色产品平台,将为如意集团在金融领域提供全面的支持,有助我们继续整合全球资源,实现持续的业务增长。」 星展集团执行总裁Piyush Gupta说:「作为新加坡最大的银行,星展将为如意集团提供全方位服务,支持其国际化发展步伐。我们很开心见证如意集团的快速发展,并期待双方未来持续加强合作。」 如意集团主席邱亚夫先生、星展集团执行总裁Piyush Gupta先生及新加坡交易所首席执行官罗文才先生出席在新加坡举行的签约仪式。 关于如意集团 如意集团是中国纺织服装行业综合竞争力排名第一的企业,也是全球知名的轻奢侈品品牌控股集团。建业于1972年,如意集团矢志不渝地坚持发展纺织服装产业生态链,坚持「高端化、科技化、品牌化、国际化」的战略,当前,集团在面料科技和智能制造方面均处于世界领先地位,是全球奢侈品行业中拥有最完善的纺织服装全产业链的时尚集团。近年来,如意集团更通过并购整合国际著名品牌资源,将法国、英国、日本等地逾30个时尚品牌纳入旗下,包括Sandro,Ma...

Ruyi Group and DBS Sign Strategic Collaboration Framework Agreement to Explore Business Opportunities

From left to right: Mr. Piyush GUPTA, CEO of DBS Group, Mr. Yafu QIU, Chairman of Ruyi Group, and Mr. Boon Chye LOH, CEO of Singapore Exchange HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Ruyi Group, a leader in China's textile and apparel industry and a fully integrated enterprise with a portfolio of world-renowned brands, and DBS, the leading financial service group headquartered in Singapore, have signed a Strategic Collaboration Framework Agreement to further strengthen their long-term business relationship for multi-faceted strategic cooperation. On the back of more than five years of cooperation with Ruyi Group, DBS will continue to provide comprehensive financial services to support Ruyi Group's future strategic developments, and to facilitate the Group in seizing business opportunities through the provision of funding support and investment banking services. Moreover, DBS will fully utilise its experience and strengths in Singapore capital market, inc...

AdBug uncovers RedEye, the latest threat to China's digital Advertising Market

HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - AdBug, the leading Chinese ad verification company, has uncovered the latest, and perhaps the largest, ad fraud operation and threat to China's digital advertising market ever: RedEye. China's largest fraudulent operation is diverting, according to latest AdBug estimates, an estimated US$3 million per day away from brand name advertisers, while over 100 brand advertisers have incurred losses from fraudulent RedEye ad impressions. Many more, with ads displayed in the wrong context or on unwanted websites, have sited varying damage to their 'Brand'. According to AdBug, the RedEye operation uses 'traffic exchange platforms', which generate huge amounts of fake traffic for publishers. By connecting different platforms, the RedEye network contains thousands of digital publishers (including top Chinese digital media platforms) and more than 300,000 URLs and apps, which are connected together in ...

TransCanna Applies For Manufacturing, Distribution & Transportation Licenses For Adelanto Facility

Vancouver, BC, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - TransCanna Holdings Inc. (CSE: TCAN) (FSE: TH8) ("TransCanna" or the "Company") applied for a permanent manufacturing, distribution and a transportation license this week with the city of Adelanto, CA. "Our immediate focus is to be able to have our city and state licenses in place in Adelanto as soon as possible. Subsequent to the GoodFellas acquisition we will be able to prepare and package the Daily Cannabis Brand pre-rolls at the facility and then deliver the products to the dispensaries without the need to bring in a third party," stated Jim Pakulis, CEO of TransCanna. "And as previously stated, the Daily Cannabis Brand has trended in percentage of sales increase since it began selling in the summer of 2018, and our goal is to provide not only the Daily Cannabis Brand with the necessary resources to continue and grow, but to use the Adelanto facility as the first TransCanna satellite distributi...

Wintermar Offshore (WINS:JK) Reports 1Q 2019 Results

JAKARTA, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Wintermar Offshore Marine (WINS:JK) has announced results for 1Q 2019, with an EBITDA of US$4 million, up 109% QoQ compared to 4Q 2018, while revenue was down 3% QoQ in the same period. As expected the first quarter 2019 was characterized by a slowing of demand ahead of the Presidential elections in Indonesia. Revenues were flat compared to the previous quarter but fell 26% YoY compared to 1Q 2018, when the Company had a lucrative seismic contract. Owned Vessels Division Revenue was 9.1% lower QoQ for the Owned Vessel division, as some vessels came off charter in 1Q 2019 but were not contracted for new jobs immediately due to a slowdown in activity. However, margins improved from the previous quarter, largely due to lower fuel and maintenance costs. Fuel costs declined due to the docking of the vessel with the "wet contract" (in which the vessel owner is responsible for fuel costs). We expect better utilization in the second...

券商龙头赴港上市 申万宏源持续领先

HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - 近日,首批7只科创主题基金获批,包括华夏、富国、易方达、工银瑞信、嘉实、汇添富、南方基金在内的7家公司获得首批科创主题基金批文。科创板的加速推进对证券板块来说无疑是重大利好消息,作为增量改革市场,利好投行业务发展,各大券商迎来发展机遇。内地龙头券商申万宏源集团股份有限公司(6806.HK)是一家中国领先的以证券业务为核心的投资控股集团,致力于为客户提供多元化的金融产品及服务,2019年4月26日于香港交易所正式挂牌上市,每股定价3.63港元,集资净额约为88.7亿元。 申万宏源已引入中国工商银行股份有限公司、华夏人寿保险股份有限公司、中国人寿保险(集团)公司、中国再保险(集团)股份有限公司等十三家基石投资者,合共认购约1,791,207,200股H股。此次发行,机构投资者认购踊跃,国际发售已获超额认购。 精心耕耘全面发展行业地位遥遥领先 自1988年成立以来,申万宏源经历了多个市场周期以及监管环境变化,拥有强大的市场影响力。公司深耕证券行业,得到长足的发展,各业务领域均取得不俗的成绩。 依托其「上市投资母公司+证券子公司」的企业架构,申万宏源为企业客户的提供一站式金融服务和资金支持并贯穿整个生命周期,提供投资银行与本金投资等业务。截至2018年12月31日,其本金投资规模达到人民币13,525.0百万元,其中债权类投资规模达到人民币11,158.9百万元。据万得资料,公司自1988年成立以来累计主承销或保荐完成的股权融资项目共351宗,其中IPO项目183宗,再融资项目168宗。按所承销IPO数目计,公司位居中国证券行业第五。 申万宏源通过线上线下分销渠道联动提供个人金融服务并向客户提供多样的金融产品,其个人金融服务板块在业内占据领先地位。据万得资料,截至2018年12月31日,公司的客户托管资产市值合计为人民币2.4万亿元,市场占有率7.1%,位居中国证券行业三甲,拥有超过650万个人金融客户、约5,300名营销顾问及证券经纪人及1,850名专业投资顾问,根据证券业协会统计,投资顾问人数名列中国证券行业第七。 机构服务方面,申万宏源同样位居国内券商第一梯队。截至2018年12月31日,公司拥有超过1,000名机构客户,包括100多家公募基金管理人、600多家私募基金管...

申万宏源首度挂牌 前景看好适宜长揸

HONG KONG, Apr 30, 2019 - (亚太商讯) - 2019年经济稳步复苏,大市成交量逐渐回稳,反映资金重新流入资本市场,有利于投资及证券等业务。在这个大环境下,国内龙头投资控股集团——申万宏源集团股份有限公司(申万宏源;6806.HK)趁机来港上市。今日申万宏源首度挂牌,发售价已厘定为3.63港元。 作为投资及证券大行,申万宏源赴港上市将对港股市场带来正向影响,未来,借势中国经济转向高质量发展,申万宏源有望伴随两地资本市场,实现更好的稳定性和发展形势。 经济转型和改革证券业务见机遇 随着中国政府推动经济转型和产业升级,高科技产业对直接融资的需求将会持续上升。根据国家统计局的资料显示,2017年高技术制造业增加值占规模以上工业增加值比重为12.7%,比上一年提高0.3%;直接融资的比重由2015年第一季的约13%提升至2018年底的约20%。在中国资本市场对实体经济服务能力不断强化的背景之下,中国证券公司的投资银行业务在直接融资中扮演着重要角色。 根据申万宏源的招股书显示,公司的投行业务涵盖股票发行、新三板业务、债券发行。在股票发行方面,申万宏源承销首次公开发售数目为183家,为行业第五名;在主要为中小型企业提供融资渠道的新三板业务方面,截至2018年底,公司推荐挂牌家数达796家,位居行业第一;在债券发行方面,承销金额约为157亿元人民币(下同),占市场份额的8.4%,为行业第五名。 就财富管理而言,由于中国名义GDP按年上升,个人持有的可投资资产总体规模亦显著增加,由2013年的92万亿元上升至2017年的188万亿元。而这些资金的大部份会流入到中国资本市场。有见及此,申万宏源为客户提供不同种类的证券金融服务。据其招股书显示,申万宏源的股票、基金、债券交易量达83,628亿元,占市场份额的4.8%,为行业第五名;融资融券业务规模为538亿元,占市场份额的5.3% ,为行业第七名;股票质押式融资业务规模为321亿元,占市场份额的3.9%,为行业第七名。 中港两地双向开放申万宏源发展看好 中国经济转型升级,名义GDP由2014年的64.1万亿元上升至2018年的90万亿元,反映出中国正逐步建立结构合理、功能完善的多层次资本市场体系,资本市场在国民经济发展中的重要性亦日渐提高。 根据国家统计局、上海证券交易所及深圳证券...

Ground Breaking Ceremony at New Lubrizol LUCANT Plant

CLEVELAND, Ohio, Apr 30, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - The Lubrizol Corporation announces the groundbreaking ceremony for a new plant within the Ichihara Works (Ichihara City, Chiba, Japan) to manufacture LUCANT(TM) hydrocarbon-based synthetic fluid. LUCANT is a high performance, hydrocarbon-based, specialty synthetic fluid used primarily as a viscosity modifier. It is used in the most demanding applications including automotive driveline, industrial lubricants and greases, and is the approved choice for leading OEMs and global oil marketers. Mitsui Chemicals was the first manufacturer to offer this unique synthetic fluid which boasts industry leading efficiency and durability. "This investment in additional LUCANT capacity will allow the Lubrizol Additives business to further optimize its strategic relationship with Mitsui Chemicals to meet the evolving and demanding needs of lubricant market, while ensuring we remain a trusted, reliable and secure supply partner," said Bar...

Outcrop Gold Discusses the Epithermal Vein System on Its Cauca Project

Figure 1. Cauca is in a 300 km Mineral Belt that includes Llurimagua and Cascabel in Ecuador and La Colosa in Colombia. Many world-class or giant deposits occur in this trend. Table 1. Thirty-five vein intercepts in 18 core-holes in La Custodia range from 3.06 to 1195 g Au/t. An additional fifty-one vein intercepts not in the table range from 1.75 g Au/t to 2.95 g Au/t. True thickness is estimated at 57% of the intercept thickness for an average thickness of 1 m. Figure 2. Roadcut mapping shows vein orientation and distribution cutting porphyry-style mineralization. Here the veins have very consistent orientation. The veins are separated by mineralized porphyry-style mineralization. These orientations were used with drill intercepts to construct a preliminary 3D Vulcan model. Figure 3. Most veins occur in sheeted zones. To the right is a sheeted vein zone with a 1.7 m width. There are tensional veins between the sheeted veins and subsidi...

OAX Foundation and Blockpass Announce New Agreement to Promote Regulatory Compliance

HONG KONG, Apr 29, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - OAX Foundation and Blockpass have today announced an agreement that will see the firms join forces to promote advanced compliance controls in the digital asset industry. The agreement reflects the shared goal of the firms to create an industry that is open, transparent and committed to the highest governance standards. Blockpass has developed a RegTech platform that offers shared regulatory and compliance services for individuals, companies, and devices. Blockpass is a digital identity application and service which brings control back to the user. Blockpass provides a streamlined and cost-effective user onboarding process for regulated industries and any kind of online service. From the Blockpass Application, users can create, store and manage a data-secure digital identity that can be used for an entire ecosystem of services or token purchase.. OAX Foundation is developing and promoting digital asset trading for the mainstream. It is w...

Alliance signs MOU for downstream JV to produce and sell Lithium Hydroxide

Figure 1. Aerial view of Jiangte's Yinli New Energy conversion facility which extends 800m by 350m Figure 2. Two of the three calcining kilns at Jiangte's Yinli New Energy facility. Figure 3. Ongoing construction for hydroxide circuit in the foreground with existing leach circuit in the background at Jiangte's Yinli New Energy facility. Figures 4a and 4b. Ongoing construction at Jiangte's Yinli New Energy facility Figure 5. Lithium carbonate bagging and storage at Jiangte's Yichun facility Alliance well-placed to benefit from downstream lithium hydroxide production and sales SINGAPORE, Apr 29, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Alliance Mineral Assets Limited (Alliance or the Company) (ASX: A40; SGX: 40F) is pleased to announce that it has, on 26 April 2019, entered into a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Co., Ltd (Jiangte) to develop the terms on which the ...