AvataGo Will Launch AI AR Avatar Friends, Enabling Friends and Pets to Be Reborn as AI Avatars in the Metaverse AR Environment
New York, NY, February 08, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – AvataGo, a startup company, will launch AI AR Avatar Friends in 2023, and IEO will be confirmed on the indoEx exchange in May 2023.
People are moving rapidly from the real world to the Metaverse world due to the COVID-19. In the Metaverse world of games in the past, users simply consume. In the current Metaverse world, users can not only consume but also enjoy and create activities within the Metaverse platform under the concept of P2E (Play2Earn) and C2E (Create2Earn), and these activities can make money
AvatarGo is a startup related to the Metaverse.The company follows the world view of Prometheus in Greek and Roman mythology. Prometheus created living things and gave them various talents. AvataGo users, like Prometheus, give their avatars various talents, grow them correctly, and are rewarded for their success upon completion.
In a general Metaverse, users go from the real world to the virtual world. In AvatarGo, AI avatars and pets come to the real world to live and grow with users.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mzt8M83f3A
On the AvataGo platform, users can sell or resell their grown AI avatars. Users can form a community to exchange know-how on growth, sell or purchase various items including accessories, and it is planned to be designed to enable business opportunities without capital. For the original author, it is also possible to earn lifetime royalties for avatars and other creations every time they trade. The company is also planning several competitions on the platform.
AvataGo is also planning exhibitions, shows, events, and advertisements through AR.
When the dream of AvataGo becomes a reality in the 21st century, many users who participated in AvataGo will seize the opportunity to change their lives.
The global Metaverse market is expected to grow from $148 billion in 2021 to $1,542 billion in 2030.
AvataGo’s success will help many people’s lives.
Social Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvataGo_Info
Telegram: https://t.me/AvataGo
Media Contact
Company: AvataGo
Contact: CY.Ju
Website: https://avatago.com/
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source https://eastmud.com/top-story/avatago-will-launch-ai-ar-avatar-friends-enabling-friends-and-pets-to-be-reborn-as-ai-avatars-in-the-metaverse-ar-environment/