
Showing posts from February, 2022

G3 Global records highest revenue in Year 2021 on higher COVID-19 test kit distribution solutions

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Artificial Intelligence specialist G3 Global Berhad ("G3 Global" or "Group") completed its financial year ended 31 December 2021 ("FY2021") on a positive note as the Group's quarterly revenue surged to the highest level in over 4 years. The stellar performance of its new Healthcare division, where revenue increased by more than 700% quarter-on-quarter ("q-o-q") due to stronger sales of COVID-19 antigen kits, propelled G3 Global closer to its turnaround target. Dirk Quinten, Managing Director G3 Global, which also supplies Internet-of-Things (IoT) connected objects and deliver cloud-based data solutions, recorded a revenue of RM18.79 million in the fourth quarter of FY2021, representing a strong growth of more than eight-fold year-on-year ("y-o-y"). The Group had posted a revenue of RM2.29 million in the previous year corresponding quarter. In terms of bottom-line performan...

Top Ministerial Leaders, Policymakers, Educators, and Technology Leaders Assemble to Address the Future of Education in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - On 9-10 March 2022, the 2nd annual EDUtech Malaysia 2022 ( will once again bring together the entire education ecosystem in Malaysia to discuss new strategies, pedagogies and innovations transforming education. The past two years have shown just how important technology in education truly is, and how being up to date on technology strategy, digital pedagogy and tools is crucial to the delivery of quality education in a hybrid environment. With that in mind, EDUtech Malaysia has created a program tailored to the needs of an increasingly technology-driven education community. Gracing the event is the Guest of Honour, Datin Sri Hajah Nor Zamani binti Abdol Hamid, Director General of Education, Ministry of Education, Malaysia who will open the event through a keynote address at 9am on 9 March, sharing the future blueprint of K-12 education in Malaysia and how the transformation roadmap will be achieved through innovation and...

Tianyun International(6836.HK)'s New Yunnan Production Base Project Construction began

HONG KONG, Feb 28, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Tianyun International Holdings Limited ("Tianyun International", together with its subsidiaries, (the "Group") (Stock Code: 6836.HK), a leading seller and manufacturer of processed fruit products in the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), is pleased to announce that the grand commencement ceremony was held in the morning of 25th February, 2022 for its comprehensive production base located in Honghe Prefecture of Yunnan Province, PRC (the "Yunnan Project"). This is one of the major new industrial projects to commence in Yunnan Province during the first quarter of 2022. The commencement ceremony was officiated by key government officials and business partners of Yunnan Province and marks the official launch of the new production base. A grand commencement ceremony was held in the Yunnan Project in the morning of 25th Feb 2022. The Yunnan Project is expected to begin its operation this year...


TOKYO, Feb 28, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - 日本電気株式会社(注1、以下NEC)と北原病院グループの医療法人社団KNI(注2、以下KNI)は、AI技術を活用して患者に最適なリハビリテーション(以下、リハビリ)介入プログラムを作成する技術実証を北原リハビリテーション病院において実施しました。本技術実証では、NEC独自のAI技術である「模倣学習技術」を用いて支援することで、経験の浅いスタッフが行うリハビリ介入プログラム作成業務の正確性が46%向上することを確認しました。 NECとKNIは、AI技術などICTを活用して医療の質の向上と業務の効率化を目指す「デジタルホスピタル」(注3)の実現に向け2017年より共創を開始(注4)しており、今回の取り組みはその一環で実施しています。 背景 超少子高齢化の進展に伴い医療の財源や人材不足がより深刻となる中、QOL(Quality of life)向上にも繋がる患者の早期在宅復帰や介護予防が求められています。特に、リハビリによる短い期間で最大限に患者の日常生活動作(ADL)能力の回復を促す取り組みが重要です。 北原リハビリテーション病院では、綿密なリハビリ計画を立て実行することにより在院日数の短縮(注5)に成功しています。一方でリハビリ介入は、スタッフ個人の経験に依存する作業が多く標準化が難しいため、経験の浅いスタッフが作成したリハビリ計画をベテランスタッフが見直すことで計画の質を担保しており、効率的にノウハウを伝承して経験の浅いスタッフでも質の高いリハビリ計画を作成できる仕組みの構築が望まれています。 今回の取り組みについて リハビリ計画作成業務は、「患者の回復度の予測」「リハビリ目標の設定」「リハビリ介入プログラム作成」の3つのプロセスがあり、今回「リハビリ介入プログラム作成」に着目し、AI技術を活用した業務負荷の軽減について検証を行いました(注6)。 具体的には北原リハビリテーション病院に蓄積されているリハビリ介入プログラムの実施事例データベースに、熟練者の経験に即した行動を学習して再現する「模倣学習技術」を適用して回復効果が高かったリハビリ介入プログラムの実施事例を模倣することで、患者一人ひとりの状態に最適と思われるリハビリ介入プログラムの候補を表示します。経験...

Eradicating corruption within SOEs

JAKARTA, Feb 28, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - In October 2021, former Garuda Indonesia commissioner Peter Ghonta took the lid off various problems brewing in the company. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir (L) meets Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin (R) to file report on the Garuda Indonesia case at the Attorney General's office, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 11, 2022. (ANTARA/HO-Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/pri) Gontha urged the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry to dismantle past cases of alleged corruption in the company related to aircraft leasing. He cited issues related to powerful groups in the company and the price difference between Boeing 777-300ER aircraft rental and CRJ1000 aircraft purchase. Ghonta spoke of having reported the problems to several institutions ranging from the director-general of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). State-Owned Enterprises (S...


HONG KONG, Feb 28, 2022 - (亞太商訊) - 中國領先的品牌加工水果產品銷售商及製造商天韵國際控股有限公司 (「天韵國際」或「公司」及其附屬公司統稱「集團」) (股份代號 : 6836.HK) 欣然宣佈,作為雲南省2022年一季度新開工的重大產業項目之一,其位於中國雲南省紅河州的一個綜合性生產基地 (「雲南項目」) 於2022年2月25日上午舉行盛大的開工儀式,雲南省的主要政府官員及集團業務合作夥伴出席並致辭。開工儀式標誌著雲南生產基地的全面正式啟動,雲南項目預計今年開始投入運營,以進一步擴大集團的產品類別,產能佈局及銷售。 雲南項目於2022年2月25日上午舉行盛大的開工儀式。 雲南項目位於紅河州彌勒綠色食品加工園內,佔地面積超過130,000平方米。總規劃設計產能達每年90,000噸,將興建包括研究中心、加工中心、分選中心、銷售和貿易中心及倉儲物流中心等設施,主要業務範圍包括生產加工和售賣罐裝果蔬產品、特色飲料、果凍等。 雲南項目可利用雲南省的氣候多樣性、優越的交通區位、自然生態環境良好及盛產多種特色水果的優勢,以打造綠色食品品牌及建設示範性生產基地為目標,引進更多採購自熱帶氣候區的水果品種。 集團主席兼行政總裁楊自遠先生表示:「我們很高興雲南項目正式開工建設,由於新生產基地享有鄰近水果供應國家的優越地理位置,並受惠於區域全面經濟伙伴關係協定(「RCEP」)的關稅優惠,將有助減低採購成本。」 楊主席續道:「雲南項目作為集團於中國熱帶氣候區發展的一項關鍵舉措,將與集團於山東省、湖北省的生產基地形成協同效應,全面提升集團總產能;同時,有望助力集團發展溫帶、亞熱帶及熱帶加工水果產品及特色飲料的生產和銷售及鮮銷水果貿易,豐富加工水果及鮮銷水果品種,提升產業智能化水平以及增加我們於中國市場的覆蓋率。」 關於天韵國際控股有限公司 (股份代號﹕6836.HK) 天韵國際控股有限公司(「本公司」集團「統稱(及其附屬公司)」主要從事(i) 生產及銷售包裝於金屬罐、塑料杯、玻璃瓶及鋁箔袋的加工水果產品,(ii) 生產及銷售飲料產品及(iii) 新鮮水果買賣。加工水果產品以自家品牌「繽果時代」、「天同時代」和「果小懶」及原廠委託製造代工銷售的方式出售。飲料產品以自家品牌「享派Shiok Party」出售。 集團致...


HONG KONG, Feb 28, 2022 - (亚太商讯) - 中国领先的品牌加工水果产品销售商及制造商天韵国际控股有限公司 (「天韵国际」或「公司」及其附属公司统称「集团」) (股份代号 : 6836.HK) 欣然宣布,作为云南省2022年一季度新开工的重大产业项目之一,其位于中国云南省红河州的一个综合性生产基地 (「云南项目」) 于2022年2月25日上午举行盛大的开工仪式,云南省的主要政府官员及集团业务合作伙伴出席并致辞。开工仪式标志着云南生产基地的全面正式启动,云南项目预计今年开始投入运营,以进一步扩大集团的产品类别,产能布局及销售。 云南项目于2022年2月25日上午举行盛大的开工仪式。 云南项目位于红河州弥勒绿色食品加工园内,占地面积超过130,000平方米。总规划设计产能达每年90,000吨,将兴建包括研究中心、加工中心、分选中心、销售和贸易中心及仓储物流中心等设施,主要业务范围包括生产加工和售卖罐装果蔬产品、特色饮料、果冻等。 云南项目可利用云南省的气候多样性、优越的交通区位、自然生态环境良好及盛产多种特色水果的优势,以打造绿色食品品牌及建设示范性生产基地为目标,引进更多采购自热带气候区的水果品种。 集团主席兼行政总裁杨自远先生表示:「我们很高兴云南项目正式开工建设,由于新生产基地享有邻近水果供应国家的优越地理位置,并受惠于区域全面经济伙伴关系协议(「RCEP」)的关税优惠,将有助减低采购成本。」 杨主席续道:「云南项目作为集团于中国热带气候区发展的一项关键举措,将与集团于山东省、湖北省的生产基地形成协同效应,全面提升集团总产能;同时,有望助力集团发展温带、亚热带及热带加工水果产品及特色饮料的生产和销售及鲜销水果贸易,丰富加工水果及鲜销水果品种,提升产业智能化水平以及增加我们于中国市场的覆盖率。」 关于天韵国际控股有限公司 (股份代号﹕6836.HK) 天韵国际控股有限公司(「本公司」集团「统称(及其附属公司)」主要从事(i) 生产及销售包装于金属罐、塑料杯、玻璃瓶及铝箔袋的加工水果产品,(ii) 生产及销售饮料产品及(iii) 新鲜水果买卖。加工水果产品以自家品牌「缤果时代」、「天同时代」和「果小懒」及原厂委托制造代工销售的方式出售。饮料产品以自家品牌「享派Shiok Party」出售。 集团致...

Eradicating corruption within SOEs

JAKARTA, Feb 28, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - In October 2021, former Garuda Indonesia commissioner Peter Ghonta took the lid off various problems brewing in the company. Gontha urged the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry to dismantle past cases of alleged corruption in the company related to aircraft leasing. He cited issues related to powerful groups in the company and the price difference between Boeing 777-300ER aircraft rental and CRJ1000 aircraft purchase. Ghonta spoke of having reported the problems to several institutions ranging from the director-general of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir then filed a report on an alleged graft case in the financially beleaguered state-owned airline PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) to the Attorney General's Office. The report outlines the government's plan to restructure Garuda Indonesia as well as provides ...

Allied Energy, Inc (OTC: AGGI) wins majority stake in WeLife Technology Corp

LOS ANGELES, CA, Feb 26, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Allied Energy, Inc (OTC: AGGI) has won control of a majority stake in WeLife Technology Corp via a tender for the company's shares, whose acceptance period closed on February 25, 2022. WeLife Technology Corp is a biotech company with at least five products globally generating millions in sales. Its chief scientist is Dr Michael Borkin, who has developed an international reputation for his extensive research and clinical experience in the areas of life extension and anti-aging. Dr Borkin's emphasis on endocrine and neuro-transmitter regulation led to the development of unique non-invasive diagnostic and treatment protocols that dramatically increases both patient acceptance and treatment success rates. With more than 70 supplements formulated by Dr Borkin marketed worldwide, and having an unparalleled reputation, Dr Borkin sets a Gold Standard within the Nutraceutical Industry, and continues to innovate new technologies and ...

Allied Energy, Inc (OTC: AGGI) wins majority stake in WeLife Technology Corp

LOS ANGELES, CA, Feb 26, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Allied Energy, Inc (OTC: AGGI) has won control of a majority stake in WeLife Technology Corp via a tender for the company's shares, whose acceptance period closed on February 25, 2022. WeLife Technology Corp is a biotech company with at least five products globally generating millions in sales. Its chief scientist is Dr Michael Borkin, who has developed an international reputation for his extensive research and clinical experience in the areas of life extension and anti-aging. Dr Borkin's emphasis on endocrine and neuro-transmitter regulation led to the development of unique non-invasive diagnostic and treatment protocols that dramatically increases both patient acceptance and treatment success rates. With more than 70 supplements formulated by Dr Borkin marketed worldwide, and having an unparalleled reputation, Dr Borkin sets a Gold Standard within the Nutraceutical Industry, and continues to innovate new technologies and...

NexBloc Announces Buy Credits Get Tokens Program for the NexBloc Utility Token

British Virgin Islands, Feb 26, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - NexBloc Inc. today announced that it is opening a funding round on Monday, February 28, using Credits and Token Rewards for the NexBloc platform. By purchasing Credits for use on NexBloc, buyers will get rewarded with the NexBloc Utility Token. The Credits will never expire, and as additional products and services get added to the platform, it will encourage faster usage of Web 3.0. The NexBloc Utility Token, anticipated to be named $NEXB, will be used for numerous benefits to holders including: - staking for discounts off domain purchases and services - farming for yield - access to gated content such as NFT Avatars and partner offerings - direct purchases with the burning of those tokens - governance for managing the token by the DAO The tokens will be listed on exchanges by mid-Spring 2022 so that owners can accumulate amounts they can use for the above benefits. Governance will be enabled by creating a DAO (decentral...

NexBloc Announces Buy Credits Get Tokens Program for the NexBloc Utility Token

British Virgin Islands, Feb 25, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - NexBloc Inc. today announced that it is opening a funding round on Monday, February 28, using Credits and Token Rewards for the NexBloc platform. By purchasing Credits for use on NexBloc, buyers will get rewarded with the NexBloc Utility Token. The Credits will never expire, and as additional products and services get added to the platform, it will encourage faster usage of Web 3.0. The NexBloc Utility Token, anticipated to be named $NEXB, will be used for numerous benefits to holders including: - staking for discounts off domain purchases and services - farming for yield - access to gated content such as NFT Avatars and partner offerings - direct purchases with the burning of those tokens - governance for managing the token by the DAO The tokens will be listed on exchanges by mid-Spring 2022 so that owners can accumulate amounts they can use for the above benefits. Governance will be enabled by creating a DAO ...


HONG KONG, Feb 25, 2022 - (亞太商訊) - 在香港聯合交易主板上市的檳傑科達國際有限公司(「PIL」或「集團」),今日公佈其截至2021年12月31日止年度財務業績。2021財年,公司收入創歷史新高,達5.081億令吉,淨利潤為1.167億令吉,分別較去年增長約21.4%及2.5%。 各經營分部業績表現,其中包含2021財年分部間收益 受自動化測試設備(ATE)及工廠自動化解決方案(FAS)業績增長帶動,本集團2021財年業績整體大幅回升。2021財年,ATE及FAS部門收入分別貢獻集團總收入的約70.1%及29.9%。2020財年,分別為67.6%和32.4%。 自動化測試設備(ATE)部門 ATE部門於2021財年貢獻本集團70.1%收入,繼續成為集團主要收入及利潤來源。2020財年經歷收入下滑後,該部門於2021財年憑藉雙位數增長實現「華麗轉身」,收入達3.584億令吉,同比增加22.6%。2021財年,隨著智能手機及周邊產品市場復蘇,電光行業繼續為ATE部門貢獻主要收入,收入貢獻率約49.7%,主要來自本集團廣泛多元的產品組合,包括鄰近感測器、3D磁力計測試處理器、環境光傳感器、晶圓級VCSEL(垂直腔表面發射激光器)測試解決方案及光學和光子傳感解決方案下的其他相關應用。 本集團不懈拓展汽車行業業務,該行業已成為ATE部門第二大收入來源,收入貢獻率達27.6%,並憑藉39.9%的增長速度,成為ATE部門下增速最快的領域。汽車行業的強大需求主要由於本集團提供的汽車測試解決方案涵蓋裝配及測試全方位服務,且覆蓋元件測試、最終測試到包裝等一系列製造流程。2021財年,ATE部門的增長同樣受益於半導體行業的發展。半導體行業業務收入貢獻率達20.0%,收入同比增長26.8%,主要由於受過去兩年疫情影響,數字化轉型加快,集成芯片及其他相關半導體產品需求增加,帶來對本集團測試處理設備的持續需求。 在可預見的未來,ATE部門將繼續成為本集團業績表現的主導因素。隨著全球新冠疫情推動科技以前所未有勢頭發展,以及技術融合帶來強大力量及動力,本集團將充分發揮ATE部門重大利好條件,迎來光明廣闊前景。 工廠自動化解決方案(FAS)部門 FAS部門於2020財...


TOKYO, Feb 25, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - NECは、過去事例データから事象の要因とその発生条件を導き出すことで具体的な改善条件を提示し、人が理解しやすい表現で施策立案支援を可能にするAI技術「ルール発見型推論技術」を開発しました。 製造業や小売業、金融業などの領域において、製品不良要因の事前特定や顧客の購買行動分析などに貢献します。 製品の品質管理や顧客分析など、データに基づく現状分析は様々な業界で行われています。近年、AIを活用した製品の品質状況の予測や顧客の購買行動予測が行われています。具体的には、将来予測とその予測結果をもたらす要因の提示をAIが行い、改善策や対策は、専門家の経験に基づいて立案されています。 しかし、人手不足の深刻化や熟練技術者や専門家の高齢化が進む中、技術や経験、ノウハウを伝承するとともに、AIを活用し、将来予測と共に施策立案まで含めたトータルな支援が求められています。 NECは、「人と協働し社会に浸透するAIの開発」を推進しており、このような課題解決に向け、本技術を開発しました。 技術の特長 本技術は、過去事例を正解データとして学習し、結果と結果につながる要因と発生条件を見出だし、「どの要因がどのような条件のとき、何が起きるか」をルールとして構築することで、各要因の改善条件を示すことができます。 例えば製造業における製品不良の要因分析では、原材料の成分配合や処理装置の設定など大量の要因が影響するため、構築されるルールが膨大になります。このため、これらのルールを網羅的に調査して、各要因の改善条件まで導き出すことは現実的ではありませんでした。 本技術は、各ルールの優先順位付けを独自の方法で行うことにより、より少なく、より高精度なルールを探っていきます。具体的には、実際に製品不良が発生したデータと発生しなかったデータを正解として学習させ、ルール群を構築します。そこから各ルールの優先順位づけを独自の方法で行い、さらに並列計算技術を応用することで、必要十分なルールを少ない計算量で選別できるように設計しました。 オープンデータを用いた実験では、事例全体をカバーするために既存手法で50個近いルールが必要だったものが、本技術では十数個のルールで達成できることを確認できました。これによ...

The Ongoing Quest for Advancing Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)

JAKARTA, Feb 24, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - President Joko Widodo harbors many hopes and expectations for Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and strives to see them succeed not only at a national level, but also at an international level. The President believes these SOEs hold vast potential to dominate the essential sectors earlyon, and move to the global level as they mature. Yet SOEs require professional management and a helping hand to assist them on their way. However great, any company that falls into the hands of mis-management will experience under development and and ultimate demise. To survive this fourth industrial revolution, companies need to elevate human resources and ecosystems to the highest standards. In theory, transformation coupled with technological adaptation will follow. Indonesian SOEs Minister Erick Thohir spoke of three big dreams for SOEs, the first being larger SOE contributions to the nation. "If it is not my wishful thinking, it is how ...

PIL's Revenue Hit All-Time High for FYE 2021

HONG KONG, Feb 25, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Pentamaster International Limited ("PIL" or "the Group") which is listed under the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited announced its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2021 today. The Group hit a new record in its 2021 revenue, registering at MYR508.1 million, whilst its net profit stood at MYR116.7 million for financial year ended 2021; marking an improvement of approximately 21.4% and 2.5% respectively from the corresponding period last year. the performance of the respective operating segments, which includes elements of the inter-segment transactions during the year The overall performance of the Group recovered commendably in 2021, with growth driven by improved contributions from both the ATE and FAS business segments with each segment accounted for approximately 70.1% and 29.9% of the total Group's revenue, as compared to 2020 of 67.6% and 32...

SOEs Minister Erick Thohir paves the way for Good Corporate Governance

JAKARTA, Feb 24, 2022 - (JCN Newswire) - Good corporate governance (GCG) can help Indonesia's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) increase their value, investor confidence, develop their businesses, and manage risks. Therefore, Indonesian SOEs must implement GCG to fulfill their responsibility to the country, their shareholders, and the public, according to analysts. GCG involves regulating, managing, and supervising a sustainable business control process to increase share value, as a form of accountability to shareholders without ignoring the interests of stakeholders, including employees, creditors, and the community. In Indonesia, the implementation of GCG has been mandated for all SOEs under Erick Thohir's leadership as the Minister of SOEs. According to Thohir, all SOEs must apply the five GCG principles outlined in the SOE Minister's Regulation Number PER-09/MBU/2012, Amendments to Regulation Number PER-01/MBU/2011 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance ...

The Ongoing Quest for Advancing Indoesia's State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)

JAKARTA, Feb 24, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - President Joko Widodo harbors many hopes and expectations for Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and strives to see them succeed not only at a national level, but also at an international level. The President believes these SOEs hold vast potential to dominate the essential sectors earlyon, and move to the global level as they mature. SOEs Minister Erick Thohir (ANTARA/HO-KBUMN) Yet SOEs require professional management and a helping hand to assist them on their way. However great, any company that falls into the hands of mis-management will experience under development and and ultimate demise. To survive this fourth industrial revolution, companies need to elevate human resources and ecosystems to the highest standards. In theory, transformation coupled with technological adaptation will follow. Indonesian SOEs Minister Erick Thohir spoke of three big dreams for SOEs, the first being larger SOE contributions to the na...

SOEs Minister Erick Thohir paves the way for Good Corporate Governance

JAKARTA, Feb 24, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Good corporate governance (GCG) can help Indonesia's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) increase their value, investor confidence, develop their businesses, and manage risks. Therefore, Indonesian SOEs must implement GCG to fulfill their responsibility to the country, their shareholders, and the public, according to analysts. SOEs Minister Erick Thohir (ANTARA/HO) GCG involves regulating, managing, and supervising a sustainable business control process to increase share value, as a form of accountability to shareholders without ignoring the interests of stakeholders, including employees, creditors, and the community. In Indonesia, the implementation of GCG has been mandated for all SOEs under Erick Thohir's leadership as the Minister of SOEs. According to Thohir, all SOEs must apply the five GCG principles outlined in the SOE Minister's Regulation Number PER-09/MBU/2012, Amendments to Regulation Number PER-01/MBU/2011 on...