
Showing posts from November, 2022

AEON Credit Secures its Framework for Sustainability-Linked Loans, Strengthens and Advances its Sustainability Pledge

HONG KONG, Nov 30, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – AEON Credit Service (Asia) Company Limited (“AEON Credit” or the “Group”; Stock Code: 00900) today announced that it has secured its sustainability-linked loan framework and entered agreements for three sustainability-linked loans (the “Loans”), with Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Hong Kong Branch, MUFG Bank, Ltd., Japanese Corporate Banking Division (Hong Kong) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Hong Kong Branch, (the “Lenders”), with a total carrying amount of HK$320 million and a term of three years. The Loans are the Group’s first sustainable financing initiative and strengthens its commitment to endorsing and developing in the sustainability arena. Sustainability performance metrics have been set in accordance with AEON Credit’s existing Sustainability Development Policy, and will be assessed on an annual basis by the external reviewer, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. As mutually agreed with the Lenders, the Group w...

Venezuela opp talks highlight strengthened Maduro position

Jorge Rodriguez, President of Venezuela's National Assembly and Head of Nicolas Maduro's negotiating team, along with Nicolas Maduro Guerra, son of Venezuela's President, and members of Venezuela's government, talks to the media, in Mexico City, Mexico November 26, 2022. (HENRY ROMERO / REUTERS) CARACAS — Venezuela's socialist President Nicolas Maduro will enter upcoming talks with the South American country's opposition in a strengthened position that could be bolstered further by a deal to release more than $3 billion in humanitarian funds, analysts said. Government and opposition delegates met on Saturday in Mexico City after more than a one-year pause, and in renewed negotiations the parties signed a "social agreement" aimed at creating a United Nations-administered humanitarian fund. The government needs funds to spend and to show that they're managing ahead of the election US oil company Chevron Corp also received an expanded license...

LeddarTech 憑藉其 LeddarVision ADAS 與 AD 軟件獲 Tech.AD USA 授予傳感器與感知類獎項第一名

魁北克市, Nov. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via — LeddarTech ® 是一間全球領先的科技公司,供應最靈活可靠且精確的高級輔助駕駛系統 (ADAS) 與自動駕駛軟件 (AD software) 技術。日前其隆重宣佈在底特律 於 2022 年 11 月 14 日憑藉 LeddarVision 低階傳感器融合與感知解決方案榮獲令業界神往的 Tech.AD USA 傳感器與感知大獎 (Sensor Perception award )。該活動作爲北美著名的知識交換平台,聚集了汽車自動化領域的主流業界人士。在眾多提交的申請當中,有九個最佳項目獲國際專家評審團提名進入涵蓋三個不同類目的最終角逐。 會上展出了 LeddarCar ,這是 LeddarTech 的實況道路演示車輛,裝備有 LeddarVision 軟件。LeddarVision 是一項高性能、傳感器抽象、自動駕駛級解決方案,能提供高精度 3D 環境模型,實現 2-5 級自動駕駛。活動期間,LeddarTech 的技術專家展示了低階融合技術如何做到簡化複雜的傳感器套件並擺脫對硬件的依賴,爲客戶提供靈活的調節性,並能夠更加快速地交付更強大的.ADAS.與.AD.性能。 「大獎得主設立了自動駕駛行業的創新和創造性科技全新標準,」 Tech.AD USA 2022 活動負責人 Davina Thalmann 這樣說道。「該獎項對造者們的技術、創造力和遠見都是一種肯定。能夠將未來實時呈現,無疑是把握了先機」,她還補充道。 「我們的傳感器融合與感知軟件解決方案已獲得國際同行的極大認可,這一獎項對 LeddarTech 來說更是錦上添花,」 LeddarTech 行政總裁 Charles Boulanger 表示。「今年,我們的 LeddarVision 科技還獲得了 The Volkswagen Group (福士集團) Innovation Tel Aviv 2022 Konnect、CARIAD Startup Challenge(創業挑戰賽)以及深圳市汽車電子行業協會的認可」,Charles Boulanger 先生繼續講道。「我爲大家有幸獲得的公司獎項感到驕傲, CEO Views committee 認可我們爲「2022 年度最快成長...

D3eSports Announces REV3AL Partnership for Virtual-to-Real E-Racing Programs

Houston, TX, Nov 30, 2022 – (JCN Newswire via – D3eSports, a division of StemGen Inc., (OTC: SGNI), today announced REV3AL, a leading cybersecurity company in the Web3 space, as a new partner in D3eSports’s virtual-to-real e-racing programs. The partnership and esports program align with REV3AL’s core values of safety and performance, and both companies believe strongly in a shared vision of providing meaningful community engagement that incorporates education and sustainable development and collaboration among like-minded people and companies. ‘We are happy to have REV3AL join our virtual-to-real program with StemGen’s D3eSports,” said Simon Dawson, President/CEO of StemGen, Inc. “It is important for us to continue to grow with like-minded companies who are transforming their industries as we all strive for a more sustainable future. Our strategic partnerships embrace our technology-driven plan of the automotive future, along with providing safety, security, ...

France steps up recruitment drive as nuke power crisis deepens

This photo shows the Bugey nuclear plant in Saint-Vulbas, around Lyon, central France on Oct 13, 2022. (LAURENT CIPRIANI / AP) PARIS – French power giant EDF is looking to recruit a new generation of welders, pipe-fitters and boiler makers to fix its ageing nuclear reactors and build more of them, as Europe's energy crisis rekindles the allure of atomic power. The problem is that in France such skilled workers are in short supply. So much so that EDF, which has a reputation for delays and cost overruns in building nuclear plants, has had to fly in around 100 of them from the United States and Canada, it said this month. The utility, which is in the process of being fully nationalized, is racing against time to ensure its nuclear fleet can run at full capacity for the depths of winter. It has already seen its electricity output this year drop to a 30-year low due to a record number of outages. It's not just a matter of keeping households in France and other European countri...

Rare success for Alzheimer’s research unlocks hope for future therapies

This undated image courtesy of, Dr Timothy Rittman, University of Cambridge, shows an MRI image of a healthy brain (left) and an Alzheimer's brain (right) with large black gaps where brain has shrunk. CHICAGO – The first big breakthrough in 30 years of Alzheimer’s research is providing momentum for clinical trials of “cocktail” treatments targeting the two hallmark proteins associated with the mind-robbing disease, according to interviews with researchers and pharmaceutical executives. Drugmakers Eisai Co Ltd and Biogen reported in September that their therapy lecanemab could slow progress of the disease by 27 percent over 18 months compared with a placebo. The finding validates the theory that clearing the amyloid protein that forms clumps in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients could slow or halt the disease and has strengthened the support from some scientists for simultaneously targeting another notorious protein linked to Alzheimer's The finding validates the theory t...

Professional stealers: opportunistic scammers targeting users of Steam, Roblox, and Amazon in 111 countries

– Over 50 million passwords stolen in 7 months of 2022 – Underground market value of stolen logs and compromised card details around US$5.8 million – India saw the highest number of infected devices in the Asia Pacific, followed closely by Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam Singapore, Nov 29, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Group-IB , one of the global leaders in cybersecurity, has identified 34 Russian-speaking groups that are distributing info-stealing malware under the stealer-as-a-service model. The cybercriminals use mainly Racoon and Redline stealers to obtain passwords for gaming accounts on Steam and Roblox , credentials for Amazon and PayPal , as well as users’ payment records and crypto wallet credentials. In the first seven months of 2022, the gangs collectively infected over 890,000 user devices and stole over 50 mln passwords. All the identified groups orchestrate their attacks through Russian-language Telegram groups, although they mainly target users ...


EQS 新聞 via / 2022-11-29 / 09:00 UTC+8 新高教集團高質量發展蹄疾步穩,高質量精准投入不斷產出新成果   業績要點   集團堅持「以學生為中心」,持續加大高質量精准投入,在高質量教學、高質量就業、高質量生師體驗等方面成果豐碩,高質量發展戰略穩步推進。 教育教學水平全面提升,學生獲獎再創佳績;專業及課程建設成果豐碩,四所本科院校新增 7 個省級一流專業;就業水平持續提升,截至 2022 年 8 月 31 日初次就業率達 89% ,高於全國平均水平,高質量就業率同比提升 187% 。 集團堅持「建設高水平應用型高校和職業大學」發展定位,深化產教融合、校企合作,培養適應產業及崗位發展需求、具有行業成長力和職業發展力的應用型人才,為區域協調發展提供更有力的人才支持。 集團提出並踐行的高質量發展戰略與黨和國家的教育方針高度契合。 高質量發展腳步穩健,業績增長穩定:總收入同比增長 24.6% ,經調整歸母淨利潤同比增長 16.4% 。   ( 2022 年 11 月 29 日 – 香港)領先的高等職業教育集團 – 中國新高教集團有限公司(「新高教集團」,連同其附屬公司統稱「集團」,股份代號: 2001.HK )欣然公佈截至 2022 年 8 月 31 日止年度業績。   新高教集團專注高等職業教育 23 年,始終秉持「以學生為中心」的教育理念和「以父母之心育人,幫助學生成就夢想」的辦學宗旨,堅定不移走高質量發展之路,針對生師最為關注的教學、就業及在校生活方面精准投入,人才培養能力全面提升,辦學實力顯著增強,生師滿意度大幅提高,並在此基礎上實現業績穩步增長,各項預定目標均高質量完成。   以學生為中心,高質量精准投入   集團堅持「以學生為中心」,持續踐行高質量發展戰略,高度重視生師體驗, 針對生師關注度高的教學、就業、在校生活方面持續加大投入 ,為集團更高質量、更可持續發展進一步奠定基礎。   加大教學方面精准投入。 師資成本投入同比增加 40.5% ,高學歷高職稱教師同比增長 31% ,引進及培養雙師型教師 550 余人,組織內外部培訓逾 500 場,高質量師資建設成果顯著。加大雲教學平台投入...

15 killed as security forces end 20-hour Mogadishu hotel siege

MOGADISHU — Somali security forces said Monday they have ended a more than 20-hour siege at a popular hotel in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, that left at least 15 people dead including six attackers. Sadiq Dudishe, Spokesman of the Somali Police Force said five of al-Shabab attackers were shot dead, one blew himself up after the militants stormed Villa Rosa Hotel in Mogadishu at around 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the latest attack, saying its fighters were targeting a gathering of officials inside the hotel READ MORE :  Police: Somalia security forces end militant attack that killed 13 Dudishe said eight civilians and one soldier were killed and five were wounded in the attack which has been roundly condemned by the international community. "Sixty people were safely rescued from the hotel," he told a televised news conference in Mogadishu. The heavily fortified hotel is a popular hangout spot for senior government officials including t...


HONG KONG, Nov 29, 2022 – (亞太商訊 via – 據證券日報報道,近日,吸引了全球目光的世界杯比賽正進行得“如火如荼”,此前的11月19日,《周遊記2》宣布再次啟程,預告片中,瘦身後的周杰倫和好友們比拼花式足球、魔術足球,吸引了大量粉絲關注。當晚,周杰倫又趁熱打鐵,在快手的“周同學”賬號上舉行了線上演唱會,這場一個多小時的線上演唱會最終斬獲了超10億的點贊,周杰倫再次證明了其強大的號召力。據悉,“周同學”是周杰倫的二次元IP,背後的創作運營團隊正是近期遞表港交所準備港股上市的巨星傳奇集團有限公司(下稱“巨星傳奇”)。 中國防彈飲料市場份額最高 從招股書中可以看到,周杰倫的母親葉惠美、周杰倫藝人經紀公司董事楊峻榮為巨星傳奇創始人,共同持有27.63%的股份。同時,周杰倫老搭檔方文山也投身於巨星傳奇,擔任首席文化官。但巨星傳奇並不是一家音樂公司,公司的主營業務包括兩塊,一個是新零售,主要是開發及銷售健康管理產品及護膚品;另外一個是IP創造及營運,創造獨有的明星組合IP。 在新零售業務方面,巨星傳奇主打低碳健康管理產品以及護膚品的開發及銷售。業務的大部分收入來自魔胴咖啡的銷售。公司於2019年4月份開始在全國進行分銷魔胴咖啡。據資料顯示,魔胴咖啡是一款主打體重管理的咖啡固體飲品,定位為防彈咖啡市場中的高端產品。根據灼識諮詢的資料,2020年及2021年,按總商品交易額計,巨星傳奇連續兩年蟬聯中國防彈飲料市場份額最大的公司,2021年市場份額為25.6%。憑藉魔胴咖啡取得的成功,巨星傳奇乘勝追擊,在魔胴子品牌旗下推出了多款其他低碳水化合物飲品及食品。 從收入來看,巨星傳奇精準切入的健康管理賽道也為公司提供了業績支撐。 2019年-2021年及2022年上半年,公司健康管理產品的銷售額分別佔總收入的83%、74.5%、75.4%及66.2%。公司近年毛利率表現穩健攀升,2019至2021年健康管理產品銷售業務毛利率均穩定在71.1-71.6%的水平。 有行業分析師指出,公司較早切入競爭激烈的健康管理市場,把握住大眾對防彈飲料市場的關注,打造出互補的低碳健康管理產品組合獲得先發優勢。公司將獨有明星組合IP和新零售形式結合,通過明星組合IP對粉絲的號召力和新零售渠道的快速滲透確立自身用戶粘性,賦能公司產品銷售。在公司...

COP27 summit ‘missed chance’ on fossil fuels, critics say

Sameh Shoukry, president of the COP27 climate summit (right) speaks during a closing plenary session at the UN Climate Summit, Nov 20, 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PETER DEJONG / AP) Fossil fuel producers benefited from sympathetic treatment in Egypt at the COP27 climate talks, government officials said, bringing their influence to bear in rushed final negotiations and frustrating those who hoped for a more ambitious outcome. Officials said the host Egypt, a natural gas exporter and frequent recipient of funds from Gulf oil producers, was partly responsible, although the conflict in Ukraine and the subsequent European energy crisis also had an impact. Egyptian officials have said their priority was to provide a conducive atmosphere for negotiations and act as a neutral mediator. The presidency denied that fossil fuel producers had been given sympathetic treatment. The COP27 meeting yielded mixed results, with a hard-fought agreement on a fund for countries most harmed by cli...

Yalla Group Q3 Earnings: Quarterly revenue passes US$ 80 million as steady growth continues

HONG KONG, Nov 28, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – On November 15, 2022, Yalla (NYSE: YALA) announced its Q3 2022 financial results. The results highlighted that Yalla had surpassed revenue expectations during the quarter and maintained its steady growth. While other companies in the social media and entertainment field may be struggling, Yalla’s continued growth is a very positive sign. Revenue hits a quarterly high Yalla’s revenues were US$ 80.1 million in Q3 2022, representing a YoY increase of 12.3% and a QoQ increase of 5.2%. The figure surpasses the revenue guidance for the quarter (US$ 75 million) and represents a new record for the social media outfit. In terms of business segments, revenues generated from chatting services reached US$ 56.2 million, representing a YoY increase of 4.3% and a QoQ increase of 6.7%. Revenues generated from gaming services were US$ 23.9 million, representing a YoY increase of 36.9% and a QoQ increase of 2.3%. After the ...

Society Pass Inc Integrates with Stripe Inc’s Payments Platform

SINGAPORE, Nov 28, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Society Pass Incorporated (“SoPa”) (Nasdaq: SOPA), Southeast Asia’s leading data-driven loyalty, fintech and e-commerce ecosystem, today announces the integration of Stripe’s financial infrastructure solutions onto the SoPa platform to power transaction settlement services for merchants and customers on SoPa’s ecosystem. Leveraging Stripe’s cutting-edge technology solutions, Society Pass expands the product and geographical reach of its ecosystem, simplifies payment flows, and accepts payments at scale in multiple currencies. In addition, SoPa leverages Stripe’s anti-fraud technology, Stripe Radar, to detect and block fraud using machine learning. Merchants on SoPa’s ecosystem utilise Stripe’s payment infrastructure to accept credit and debit cards payments from customers, enable their customers to checkout in a simple way, and at the same time provide a superior shopping experience to consumers. Rokas Sidlauskas, Chief M...