
Showing posts from October, 2022

Inaugural International Healthcare Week promotes Hong Kong as leading healthcare hub

HONG KONG, Oct 31, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and a global ageing trend have significantly increased the demand for healthcare products and services. The inaugural International Healthcare Week, driven by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), will run from 1 to 15 November 2022, helping to promote innovation, investment and exchange by fully utilising Hong Kong’s strategic role as an innovation and investment hub for Asia’s healthcare industry. The two flagship events of International Healthcare Week are the second Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH) co-organised by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the HKTDC, and the 13th edition of the HKTDC Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair organised by the HKTDC. HKTDC Executive Director Margaret Fong; Prof Lo Yuk-lam, Chairman of GT Healthcare Capital Partners & President of the HK Bio-Med Innotech Association (L)...

Society Pass (Nasdaq: SOPA) to Present at the Singapore Fintech Festival on 02-04 November 2022

SINGAPORE, Oct 31, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Society Pass Incorporated (Nasdaq: SOPA) (“SoPa” or the “Company”), Southeast Asia’s (“SEA”) leading data-driven loyalty and e-commerce ecosystem, today announces that SOPA management has been invited to present at the Singapore Fintech Festival (“SFF”), to be held on Wednesday, 02 November to Friday, 04 November 2022. The in-person venue for the event is Singapore Expo located at 1 Expo Drive, Singapore 486150. SOPA management will present at the SFF at the following times: Day 2 (Thursday, 03 November) 1645 – 1700 – Rokas Sidlauskas (SOPA Chief Marketing Officer) 1700 – 1715 – Raynauld Liang (SOPA’s Chief Financial Officer) Day 3 (Friday, 04 November) 1545 – 1600 – Rokas Sidlauskas (SOPA Chief Marketing Officer) 1600 – 1615 – Loic Gautier (Leflair Inc Chief Executive Officer) About Society Pass Inc Founded in 2018 as a digitally-focused loyalty and data marketing ecosystem in the fast-growing ma...

SEAPRWire Launches Media-Empower-Pack to Its Branding-Insight Program

Singapore – SEAPRWire is a leading technology company in press release distribution , announces that it is now offering Media-Empower-Pack to Its Branding-Insight Program for customers. Media-Empower-Pack includes Global Press Releases  distributed to over 8,000 media outlets and multiple industry lists, with multimedia support and unlimited words.The package accepts more than 17 languages, including: English, French, German, Traditional Chinese, Simpified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Filipino, Malay, Thailand, Italian, Russian … Media-Empower-Pack provides solutions to setup media contacts updated in real-time by clicking individual contacts brings up their contact card, which contains the contact’s name, phone number, and email address. Media-Empower-Pack allows clients to build company-specific media lists and easily manage them through Branding-Insight Program dashboard. Users can split, edit, or merge lists for a more personalized approach. Ya...

Kitchen Culture Criticises Requisitioners for ‘Diametrically Changing’ Minds by Publishing Advertisement to Call off EGM to Remove 5 Directors; Company Affirms 1 November EGM Will Not Proceed

SINGAPORE, Oct 31, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Kitchen Culture Holdings Ltd. (“Kitchen Culture” or the “Company”) said today that a group of 8 shareholders (“the requisitioners”) seeking to remove 5 of 6 directors has caused confusion among shareholders and the public by publishing a newspaper advertisement calling off the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) with 1 working day’s notice before it was due to be held. The Company said it was made aware of a relatively small advertisement published by the requisitioners in The Business Times on 29 October 2022 (Saturday) to ‘postpone’ the EGM – originally proposed for 9.00 am on 1 November 2022 (Tuesday) at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel – even though the requisitioners had not communicated this to the Board of Directors (“the Board”). While the requisitioners had published a significantly larger advertisement in The Sunday Times – a different newspaper – on 16 October 2022 calling for the EGM and had issued a press r...

SMI Vantage Introduces AI-inspired F&B concept – Robochef

SINGAPORE, Oct 31, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – SMI Vantage Limited, an investment and management company listed on the mainboard of the SGX, today announced it has entered into a binding multi-year franchise agreement with Dutch Oriental Restaurant LLC, to open Robochef F&B outlets in Singapore. This breakthrough AI-driven Robochef will feature machines that will prepare and cook meals that are freshly made on the spot, fast and hassle-free, and importantly, consistent in taste every single time. It will be introduced to malls and residential locations across Singapore and will feature 10-15 rice, noodles, meat and vegetarian dishes to cater to a wide variety of tastes. The menu will be constantly refreshed, depending on the availability of fresh local ingredients, responding to the needs and requirement of local consumers. Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in the way the dishes are prepared, providing precise cooking times, temperature control, ing...


年度調查顯示,由於國內需求疲軟,申請就讀商學院的國際學生數量出現大幅回升 弗吉尼亞州雷斯頓, Oct. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via —  根據Graduate Management Admission Council ( GMAC )今日發佈的一份調查報告,在匹配的課程樣本中,有關就讀商學院研究生課程的申請量較疫情期間的增速有所下降,同比下降3.4%。此前,在2020年疫情爆發初期,申請數量同比增長2.4%,並在2021年維持同一需求水平,當時學校錄得需求同比增長0.4%。然而,由於疫情對出行的影響,招生週期有所縮短,但國際申請數量卻出現了顯著的反彈,尤其是那些申請就讀美國課程的人才。大部分美國課程的國際申請量都有所增加,尤其是全日制兩年制MBA課程(佔課程總數的80%)和STEM指定課程(佔61%)。歐洲的情況也比較類似,多數MBA課程今年或者表現穩定,或者收到海外申請數量有所增加。 作為業內最大規模及引用最廣的調查,GMAC 2022 申請趨勢調查 於7月至9月期間開展,匯集了全球33個國家/地區264所商學院的950個課程所提交的申請數據。該調查旨在審視研究生管理教育(GME)課程需求的快速變化。2022年的調查是該項調查第24週年的年度調查,反映出受疫情影響年度可能已經結束,並提供有關疫情後市場可能如何形成的洞察。 值得注意的是,對於歐洲和亞洲的大多數課程,申請者中女性的比例都有所增加或保持穩定。歐洲(58%)和亞洲(57%)大多數作出回復的課程都表示,收到的女性申請的數量有所增加或保持穩定。此外,超過一半的美國課程表示,來自代表性不足人群(URP)的申請保持穩定或有所增加,尤其是數據分析碩士(66%)和管理碩士(65%)。 「我們非常欣喜地看到,歐洲和亞洲的女性以及美國代表性不足的群體日益渴望接受能夠增強她們實現職業目標的能力和技能的商科教育,」GMAC CEO Joy Jones表示,「商學院界共同努力吸引多元化人才且勢頭令人鼓舞,這點尤為值得讚賞。」 其他主要調查結果 乘著國際化的大浪潮,會有更多人申請就讀商科碩士課程。 全球商科碩士課程(包括管理碩士、金融碩士和數據分析碩士)的申請量同比增長3.2%。除會計碩士外,在美國所有類型的商科碩士課程中,錄得國際申請量增加的課...

Artelli, a Pioneering Immersive Multi-dimensional Art Space, opens in Macau

HONG KONG, Oct 30, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Artelli, the pioneering immersive multi-dimensional art space presented by Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Limited (02528), has opened in the heart of Cotai Strip, at City of Dreams Macau, marking a brand-new milestone in the Group’s advance into high-end art projects and business diversification. The opening ceremony of Artelli, the pioneering immersive multi-dimensional art space, was held at City of Dreams Macau, with officiating guests. Artelli’s first outdoor large-scale art installation at Cotai Strip – 5-meter giant “Mickey” and “Lotso” Artelli exclusively presents Satoru KOIZUMI Disney Collection Exhibition Debut in Macau Artelli exclusively presents Joshua Vides Buzz Lightyear Collection Exhibition Debut in Macau The new project to house contemporary art and culture, marks a significant milestone in art and commerce Artelli embraces lifestyle and digital art, art co...


HONG KONG, Oct 30, 2022 – (亞太商訊 via – 尚晉(國際)控股有限公司(02528)打造的全球首個多維體驗品牌藝術空間──Artelli於澳門路氹城區核心地段「新濠天地」盛大開幕,標誌著集團邁向高端藝術及多元化發展的全新里程。 澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局文綺華局長、澳門貿易投資促進局余雨生代主席、澳門特別行政區政府文化局文化創意產業促進廳何鴻斌廳長、新濠博亞娛樂主席兼行政總裁何猷龍先生、新濠博亞娛樂首席營運總監(澳門業務)David Sisk先生、尚晉(國際)控股創辦人兼董事會主席范榮庭先生、尚晉(國際)控股行政總裁陳幸儀女士以及尚晉(國際)控股執行董事、Artelli創辦人方日明先生及一眾嘉賓為全球首個多維體驗品牌藝術空間Artelli進行剪綵儀式 Artelli於金光大道首設戶外大型藝術裝置,包括5米高「Mickey」及「Lotso」 Artelli獨家呈獻小泉悟(Satoru KOIZUMI)迪士尼系列澳門首展 Artelli獨家呈獻約書亞·維德斯(Joshua Vides)巴斯光年系列澳門首展 構建當代文化藝術樞紐 打造文化藝術新地標 集生活藝術、數碼藝術、藝文社群及商業聯乘等元素於一體,Artelli將致力成為全球頂尖藝術家展示作品的高端平台,以原創品牌成為國際文化藝術新地標為發展目標,並以構建當代文化藝術樞紐為願景,讓藝術愛好者近距離接觸世界各地的藝術創作,探索藝術的無限可能。 匯聚國際知名藝術家 助力澳門文化發展 Artelli將攜手過百位蜚聲國際的藝術家及品牌設計師,共同創作及引進獨家、首發系列等高端藝術項目,豐富澳門「旅遊+」多元旅遊魅力,為澳門市民及旅客帶來嶄新藝術體驗;與此同時,Artelli將積極推動普及藝術並建立藝術文化社群,助力本地藝術文化發展,配合特區政府建設澳門作為「多元文化共存的交流合作基地」。未來,Artelli更將加入元宇宙、NFT等元素,進一步提升藝術體驗的層次。 沉浸式多維藝術體驗 由國際知名法國室内設計公司Malherbe Paris操刀、佔地600平方米的Artelli以藝術結合科技為設計概念,採用純白色調烘托作品的藝術性;同時配以一系列科技元素,包括擴增實境(AR)及大型電子屏幕展示等...

Somalia, global community condemn Mogadishu blasts

Security personnel and ambulances are stationed near destroyed and damaged buildings after an car bombing targeted the education ministry in Mogadishu on Oct 29, 2022. (HASSAN ALI ELMI / AFP) MOGADISHU – Somalia, the African Union and the United Nations have condemned the twin car bomb explosions that targeted Somalia 's education ministry building here on Saturday, killing at least nine people, including women and children. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but the al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist group Al-Shabab frequently targets government and civilian buildings in Somalia's public places, as well as military bases, local media reported. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but the al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist group Al-Shabab frequently targets government and civilian buildings in Somalia's public places, as well as military bases, local media reported Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre blamed Al-Shabab by name, stressing thei...

Ethiopia: UNICEF seeks funds for drought-affected children

A woman holds a malnourished child at the nutrition unit of the Kelafo Health Center in the town of Kelafo, 120 kilometers from the city of Gode, Ethiopia, on April 7, 2022. (EDUARDO SOTERAS / AFP) ADDIS ABABA – The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Saturday called the donor community for funding to provide lifesaving support to conflict and drought affected children in Ethiopia. The UN Children's Fund, in its latest Ethiopia Humanitarian Situation Report issued Saturday, said its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) 2022 currently requires $532.3 million to meet the critical humanitarian needs of children, adolescents, women, and men in Ethiopia. The UN Children's Fund, in its latest Ethiopia Humanitarian Situation Report issued Saturday, said its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) 2022 currently requires $532.3 million to meet the critical humanitarian needs of children, adolescents, women, and men in Ethiopia It said the requirements represents an i...

Finland, Sweden pledge to join NATO together

Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson arrives for an EU summit in Brussels, Oct 20, 2022. (GEERT VANDEN WIJNGAERT / AP) HELSINKI – Ways to further enhance cooperation between Finland and Sweden, especially on their path to membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) , topped the agenda of talks here between the prime ministers of the two countries on Friday. Sweden's newly-elected Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and his host and Finnish counterpart, Sanna Marin, highlighted the importance of cooperation between Finland and Sweden, particularly in the future NATO membership. READ MORE: Finland, Sweden joining NATO to have far-reaching implications The trilateral agreement between Finland, Sweden and Türkiye is valid and we are committed to fulfil our obligations according to that agreement. Ulf Kristersson , Prime Minister, Sweden "This relationship plays a particularly important role in the current crises. Concrete areas where cooperation should b...

UN: Horn of Africa hit by drought, cholera

Livestock are seen in a dried field due to drought in Kidemu sub-location in Kilifi County, Kenya, March 23, 2022. (PHOTO / XINHUA) UNITED NATIONS – Amid the worst drought in 40 years, Horn of Africa countries have been hit by outbreaks of cholera and acute watery diarrhea, while fighting in northern Ethiopia continues, a UN spokesman said on Friday. The start of the October-December rains has been poor, and rainfall will likely continue to be below average. It would make this the fifth consecutive year of a failed rainy season, said Stephane Dujarric, the chief spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. READ MORE: Drought causes large-scale loss of life in Horn of Africa, says UN "This could lead to a greater spread of cholera and waterborne diseases," Dujarric told a daily press briefing. "At least 29 countries have been impacted since January of this year." With thousands of people displaced in congested urban areas, there is limited access to ...

Mohawk Industries 第三季度財報

佐治亞州卡爾霍恩, Oct. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via — Mohawk Industries, Inc. (紐約證券交易所代碼:MHK)今天宣佈,公司 2022 年第三季度淨虧損 5.34 億美元,攤薄每股虧損 8.40 美元,其中包括 6.96 億美元的非現金減值費用支出。公司目前的市值以及具有挑戰性的經濟狀況和較高的貼現率促使其商譽和無形資產結餘接受審查,從而產生了減值費用。調整後的淨收益為 2.12 億美元,調整後的每股收益 (EPS) 為 3.34 美元,不包括減值和其他非經常性費用。2022 年第三季度的淨銷售額為 29 億美元,報告增長 3.6%,按固定標準計算增長 8.3%。2021 年第三季度,淨銷售額為 28 億美元,淨收益為 2.71 億美元,每股收益為 3.93 美元。調整後的淨收益為 2.72 億美元,調整後的每股收益為 3.95 美元,不包括重組、收購和其他費用。 截至 2022 年 10 月 1 日的前九個月,淨虧損和每股虧損分別為 800 萬美元和 0.13 美元,包括上述非現金減值費用的影響。不包括減值和其他非經常性費用,調整後淨收益為 7.39 億美元,調整後每股收益為 11.56 美元。在 2022 年的 9 個月期間,淨銷售額為 91 億美元,根據報告與去年相比增長了 7.7%,或按固定標準計算增長 12.1%。截至 2021 年 10 月 2 日的前九個月期間,淨銷售額為 84 億美元,淨收益為 8.44 億美元,每股收益為 12.11 美元;不包括重組、收購和其他費用,調整後的淨收益和每股收益分別為 8.28 億美元和 11.89 美元。 董事長兼首席執行官 Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum 在評論 Mohawk Industries 第三季度的業績時表示:「莫霍克公司第三季度的銷售額增長主要來自價格上漲和商業領域的實力。由於所有地區和產品類別的零售渠道疲軟,我們的銷售額低於預期。美元匯率走強也對我們折算銷售額產生了 1.17 億美元或 4.1% 的負面影響。由於銷量減少導致未分攤成本上升,材料、能源和運輸通脹影響了我們的業績,使我們的營運收入下降。我們的全球組織透過額外行動應對經濟挑戰,以優化成本、生產力和庫存水準。」 「由於前所未有的能源危...