
Showing posts from March, 2020


HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (亚太商讯) - 中国领先的用户运营SaaS供货商及互动广告平台运营商兑吧集团有限公司 (「公司」;连同其附属公司统称「集团」;股份代号:1753.HK)欣然宣布截至2019年12月31日止年度(「报告期内」)经审核之全年业绩。 财务亮点 截至2019年12月31日止年度,集团录得: - 总收入约为人民币16.5亿元,同比增加约45%; - 经调整利润约为人民币3.40亿元,同比增加约66%; - 经调整纯利率由2018年的18.0%增至20.6%; - 两大业务之一的交互式效果广告业务收入大幅增加约45.7%至人民币16.2亿元; - 另一大业务用户运营SaaS平台业务收入大幅增加约146.4%至人民币33.7百万元; 截至2019年12月31日止年度,集团录得总收入约为人民币16.5亿元(2018年:人民币11.4亿元),同比增加约45 %;经调整利润约为人民币3.40亿元(2018年:人民币2.05亿元),同比增加约66%;全年经调整纯利率增至20.6%(2018年:18.0%)。 经调整利润为加回以股份为基础的付款、上市开支、以公允价值计量并计入损益的金融负债的公允价值变动及融资成本。 集团总收入的增加主要归因于截至2019年12月31日止年度,集团交互式效果广告业务收入大幅增加约45.7%至人民币16.2亿元(2018年:人民币11.1亿元)所致。其中,43%的收入来自电子商务行业,而44%的收入来自金融行业。于报告期内,集团交互式效果广告平台90%的受众来自非一线城市。目前,不断向低线城市渗透的广告主(如金融企业及电商平台)将加大其于交互式效果广告的投入,这将是集团未来数年的主要增长动力。 截至2019年12月31日止年度,集团共设计14,000多个广告活动,当中大多数为市场上同类的首款产品。截至2019年12月31日年度,通过不断升级产品及技术,集团交互式广告平台的CPC模式下每次计费点击平均收入增加至人民币0.37元(2018年:人民币0.35元),而交互式效果广告业务的平均点击转化率达至2019的27.1%(2018年:26.3%)。 于报告期内,集团进一步促进SaaS业务所产生的流量变现,用户运营SaaS业务的收入大幅增加约146.4%至人民币33.7百万元(...

VPower Group's 2019 net profit Increases by 33% to HK$283.6 Million

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - VPower Group International Holdings Limited ("VPower Group" or the "Group", stock code: 1608.HK), a leading DPG station owner and operator in Southeast Asia announced today its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019. Despite the challenges in global business environment in 2019, the Group's business and operations were proven to be resilient and the Group managed to record a satisfactory revenue growth of 15.4% to HK$ 2,794.0 million. The gross profit grew by 4.3% to HK$737.2 million with a gross profit margin of 26.4%; while EBITDA rose by 37.3% to HK$853.2 million and net profit increased 33.0% to HK$ 283.6 million. Business Review As for SI business, with 20 years of operational experience in SI business, the Group continued to strengthen its leadership in the global SI market and recorded revenue of HK$1,756.5 million (2018: HK$1,579.0) for the year ended 31 December 2019, representing a year-on-year...

Alltronics Announces 2019 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Alltronics Holdings Limited ("Alltronics" or the "Group") (SEHK: 833), a leading electronics products manufacturer and a provider of energy-saving business solutions, has announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 ("review year"). During the review year, the operating environment has remained challenging due to the ongoing global trade disputes and fluctuation in exchange rate. Nevertheless, the Group managed to achieve a stable revenue at HK$1,260.8 million (2018: HK$1,284.8 million). Gross profit margin slightly increased to 14.6% for the year 2019 from 14.5% for the year 2018, mainly due to improvement in production efficiency of the Group's Yichun factory after about one year of operation. The Group has also shifted production of some of its electronics products that were subject to additional tariffs imposed by the US to subcontractors in Malaysia and the Philippines, in order to ...

HTSC Announces 2019 Annual Results: Strengthened Capital Base with Deepened Digital Transformation across Businesses

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - HTSC (Stock Code: 6886.HK; "The Company") announced its annual results for the year ended December 31, 2019 ("Reporting Period"). The Company achieved RMB32.44 billion in total revenue and other gains, a year-on-year increase of 32.36%, while the profit of this year attributable to shareholders surged 78.86% to RMB9.00 billion. As a result of the Company's Global Depositary Receipts ("GDR") issuance on the London Stock Exchange through the Shanghai-London Stock Connect pilot, the Company's net assets grew to RMB 125.65billion, laying an enhanced funding profile for its multi-dimensional development in the future. Enhanced Capabilities Facilitated by Platform Innovation in Wealth Management According to the Annual Report, the Company has a customer base of nearly 14 million with total customer account assets exceeding RMB3.35 trillion as of the end of the Reporting Period. The Company's equity and f...

VPower Group's 2019 net profit Increases by 33% to HK$283.6 Million

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - VPower Group International Holdings Limited ("VPower Group" or the "Group", stock code: 1608.HK), a leading DPG station owner and operator in Southeast Asia announced today its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019. Despite the challenges in global business environment in 2019, the Group's business and operations were proven to be resilient and the Group managed to record a satisfactory revenue growth of 15.4% to HK$ 2,794.0 million. The gross profit grew by 4.3% to HK$737.2 million with a gross profit margin of 26.4%; while EBITDA rose by 37.3% to HK$853.2 million and net profit increased 33.0% to HK$ 283.6 million. Business Review As for SI business, with 20 years of operational experience in SI business, the Group continued to strengthen its leadership in the global SI market and recorded revenue of HK$1,756.5 million (2018: HK$1,579.0) for the year ended 31 December 2019, representing a year-on-year...


HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (亚太商讯) - 东南亚领先的分布式发电站拥有人及营运商伟能集团国际控股有限公司(伟能集团)公布截止2019年12月31日止年度之全年业绩。尽管全球营商环境充满挑战,集团的业务和营运维持强韧,收入增加15.4%至2,794.0百万港元,增长令人满意。毛利增加4.3%至737.2百万港元,毛利率为26.4%。税息折旧及摊销前利润增加37.3%至853.2百万港元,纯利则增加33.0%至283.6百万港元。 业务回顾 在SI业务方面,凭借伟能集团在SI业务范畴逾20年的成功经验,集团继续加强在全球SI市场的领导地位,并于截止2019年12月31日止年度录得收入1,756.5百万港元(2018年:1,579.0百万港元),按年增长11.2%,增幅主要来自满足电力储备市场需求增长、数据中心和船用市场快速发展的销售。 截止2019年12月31日止年度,IBO业务则录得收入为1,037.5百万港元(2018年:841.7百万港元),按年增长23.3%。增长主要来自缅甸和斯里兰卡新项目带来的收益。 2019年期间,集团继续扩大在缅甸的业务据点,新增两个总装机容量为114.4兆瓦的燃气项目投入商业营运,进一步巩固集团在当地作为独立电力供货商的领导地位。年中,集团中标一个20兆瓦的燃气发电项目(计划装机容量为23.2兆瓦)。同时,由集团成员以及中国技术进出口集团有限公司组成的联合团中标三个总合约容量为900兆瓦的发电项目(总计划装机容量为1,059.5兆瓦)。据此,集团正在建设缅甸首个液化天然气发电站。 有见于斯里兰卡的电力需求增长和业务机会,集团透过赢得两个公开招标项目成功进入该市场。该两个项目的装机容量合共54.9兆瓦,并于2019年中投入商业营运。 此外,集团于印度尼西亚获得一个计划装机容量为18.7兆瓦的燃气项目,合约期为15年,预计项目将于2020年下半年投入商业营运。 展望 虽然2019年年底经济出现复苏迹象且贸易纠纷缓和,但2020年初爆发新型冠状病毒,对不同国家的各行各业带来的破坏性的影响。有赖集团多年来建立的跨国业务版图和灵活的管理制度,集团的营运得以在轻微的影响下维持稳定和健康的状态,新项目的发展亦大致如期。 集团预计位于东南亚、拉丁美洲和欧洲的国家对分布式电力方案将录得强劲的...

金活医药抓住机遇 推进产品品规多元化发展

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (亚太商讯) - 中国领先及全球知名大健康产品服务的全渠道供应链企业 - 金活医药集团有限公司 (「金活医药」或「集团」,股份代号:01110.HK) 公布截至2019年12月31日止年度 (「回顾年度」)未经审核之全年业绩。 于回顾年度,全球经济环境错综复杂,国内经济下行压力较大。集团审视国内外经济形势变化,持续优化产品结构,在积极发展渠道下沉同时加强渠道管理,以开拓市场的空白点及增加产品覆盖率。面对经济放缓及内外环境的不确定性,于回顾年度,集团的整体收益同比下降9.4%至约人民币977,928,000元,本公司拥有人应占溢利同比上升5.9%至约人民币43,427,000元。每股基本盈利同比上升6.1%至约人民币7.00分。于回顾年度,药品分部的收益约为人民币633,700,000元,占比为64.8%;保健品分部的收益约为人民币151,114,000元,占比为15.5%;医疗设备分部的收益约为人民币193,114,000元,占比为19.7%。 金活医药董事局主席赵利生先生表示:「回顾年度,国内外经济形势复杂严峻,全球经济增长有所放缓,社会动荡及年底新型冠状病毒疫情于国内持续蔓延,为中国整体经济发展再添几分不明朗因素。面对宏观环境不明朗,集团继续为消费者源源不断地提供优质健康产品,把握市场机遇,利用竞争优势稳步发展公司业务。2019年,集团进一步推动产品渠道下沉,扩大和深化产品覆盖至三四线城市及农村基层,进一步开拓市场的空白点。」 药品分部方面,集团继续深化及推进星级产品念慈菴产品系列的渠道优化工作,借助念慈菴的品牌力和产品力,下沉县域市场并增强终端覆盖,强化与区域连锁的强强合作,让更多的消费者能够体验念慈菴的产品。集团积极配合念慈菴进行多个大型综合宣传活动及新媒体品牌宣传,致力培养新的年轻消费群体的同时巩固老顾客的忠诚度,为品牌注入时代感。回顾期内,中国药品零售产业信息发布会(西普会)发布了「京都念慈菴」位列「品牌.价值榜」第十八位,品牌价值高达人民币39.89亿元。此外,集团另一支柱型产品日本喇叭牌正露丸正施行有序营销及维护价格稳定。集团在重点区域进行全面铺货和市场下沉,以及通过铺货活动来扩大市场份额。品牌宣传方面,集团在部分城市的繁华街道及高铁站投放广告,又与各合作商业公司及电商平台开展线上电商...

Kingworld Medicines Seizes the Opportunity Foster the Diversified Development of Product Specifications

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Kingworld Medicines Group Limited ("Kingworld Medicines" or the "Group", stock code: 01110.HK), a globally leading and well-known omni-channel enterprise with a complete supply chain in the greater healthcare products and services industry in China, has announced its unaudited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 (the "Year Under Review"). For the Year Under Review, the global economic environment is complicated and aggravated the downward pressure on the Chinese economy. The Group continued to monitor changes in the domestic and foreign environment and optimise its product portfolio while continuing to develop down-market penetration in different channels and strengthening channel management to explore market niches and expand product coverage. For the Year Under Review, facing the financial volatility and uncertainty in China and abroad, the Group's total revenue slightly decreased by 9.4% t...

Hi Sun Tech Announces 2019 Annual Results: Adjusted Net Profit Increases 32% to HK$713 million

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - A leading payment & finance solutions provider in China, Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited (the "Company"; Stock code: 818.HK), announced the audited consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the twelve months ended 31 December 2019 (the "Year"). Results Highlights 1. During the Year, the Group's payment processing solutions segment continued to maintain a steady and solid increase, with annual accumulative transaction volume exceeded RMB1,760 billion in 2019, and the total number of transactions increased by 129% as compared with last year, driven by the rapid growth of mobile QR code payment transactions. 2. While pursuing performance growth, the Group adhered to compliance development and looked to the wider international market. During the Year, the Group have successfully brought in the strategic investment from EQT, which speeded up the overseas expansion strateg...

Green Future Food Hydrocolloid Maintains Solid Business Foundation in 2019, amid Market Challenges

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Green Future Food Hydrocolloid Marine Science Company Limited ("Green Future Food Hydrocolloid" or "The Group"; HKEX: 1084), a leading seaweed-based and plant-based hydrocolloid producer in China and global market, has announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 (the "Year"), the first annual results since the Group's listing in October 2019. During the Year, amidst the market challenges posed by the economic slowdown in China and the Sino-US trade fiction, the Group has maintained a stable performance, demonstrating its competitiveness and resilience as an industry leader. During the year under review, the Group's revenue amounted to HK$992.9 million (2018: HK$997.1 million), profit for the year was HK$93.9 million (2018: HK$93.8 million) and net profit margin slightly increased to 9.5%. The Board has resolved to propose the payment of a final cash dividend of HK5.0 cents per share...


HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (亚太商讯) - 中国及全球市场的领先海藻及植物性亲水胶体生产商绿新亲水胶体海洋科技有限公司(「绿新亲水胶体」或「集团」;股票代号:1084)公布2019年12月31日止年度(「本年度」)全年业绩,本次亦是集团自2019年10月上市以来首个全年业绩。年内,于中国经济放缓及中美贸易摩擦所带来的市场挑战下,集团仍然维持稳健表现,足见集团作为行业领导者所具备的竞争力及韧力。 回顾年内,集团收益为992.9百万港元(2018年:997.1百万港元),年内溢利为93.9百万港元(2018年:93.8百万港元),而净利率则轻微上升至9.5%。董事会就本年度建议派发末期现金股息每股5.0港仙。 2019年,由于集团于2018年全面提升产能,而2019年市场仍处于巩固期,加上中国与欧洲地区经济增长有所放缓,作为构成集团约90%销售收益的卡拉胶及琼脂产品总销售收益基本持平。 集团延续其逐步提高海外销售占比的策略,并于韩国及印度尼西亚市场录得明显的收益增长,故本年度亚洲市场(不包括中国)的收益增幅达44.7%。2019年,集团中国及海外销售分别约占全年销售额的44.2%及55.8%(2018年:47.7%及52.3%)。 回顾年内,集团通过加强产品研发及市场营销部署,成功拓展用于奶制品的速溶琼脂产品市场,推动速溶琼脂产品本年度的销售收益增长253.7%,并成为集团最高毛利率的其中一项产品。此外,集团将产品的用途扩展至宠物食品,而魔芋增长动力亦充沛,凝胶类空气清新剂及美妆面膜产品市场则继续深化发展。集团期待终端产品及应用多元化可构成未来扩张的关键领域。 于报告年度结束后,2019冠状病毒病(「COVID-19」)的爆发对集团生产带来影响,但集团的原材料及成品存货充足,得以应对销售及生产需求。现时,集团的设施已恢复生产,并将继续密切关注有关情况,并评估其对财务状况及经营业绩的影响。 绿新亲水胶体执行董事、主席兼行政总裁陈金淙先生表示:「我们对2020年的展望为审慎乐观。集团全天然功能材料的生产及研发业务紧扣客户产品创新价值链上的每一环节。由于我们的亲水胶体产品主要用于食品及生活用品,我们预期需求将保持稳定向上。再者,我们认为随着新终端应用产品持续推出市场,亲水胶体产品的业务前景依然亮丽。」 绿新亲水胶体海洋科...

宏华集团营收与利润实现三年连长 三重创新为可持续发展保驾护航

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (亚太商讯) - 全球领先的陆地石油钻机生产商宏华集团有限公司 (股票代码︰196.HK,以下简称“宏华”或“集团”)欣然公布集团截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止十二个月(“回顾期内”)的未经审核简明合并全年业绩。 回顾期内,围绕“商业模式创新、管理创新、技术创新”,宏华继续探索高质量可持续发展模式,营业收入与净利润均实现大幅增长,达到2015年以来最高水平。宏华营业收入较二零一八年同期的人民币4,205.2百万元上升5.2%至人民币4,425.7百万元,权益持有人应占利润由二零一八年人民币82.3百万元上升30.6%至人民币107.5百万元,每股基本盈利人民币2.03分。通过前期的耕耘与积累,宏华油气工程服务规模与业务范围实现突破、电动压裂泵等核心零部件销售增长迅速,营收及利润实现两年连续增长。得益于国家能源安全战略,页岩气等非常规油气开发迎来黄金期,宏华国内市场新签订单实现大幅增长,带动全年国内销售收入占比达到本公司上市以来最高水平,达到51%。 油服板块多点开花,国内外市场均实现重大突破 钻井服务方面,全年完成进尺94,018米,为近三年作业量高峰。在四川长宁页岩气平台,宏华油服第一个钻井压裂试油一体化总包项目完工,标志着宏华油服从钻井、压裂等单一工程服务向平台总包的跨越式突破。年内,首次进入重庆市场并创下在该项目部单日进尺最高记录,顺利地再次获得贵州地区国家页岩气示范项目。海外市场方面,宏华取得重要突破,获得国际知名油服公司超过3千万美金项目订单,且服务计划持续至二零二零全年。宏华油服以优质服务树立起良好口碑,成功同老客户COSL续签价值约1.6千万美金的钻井项目。在油服作业效率方面,全年生产时效达80.76%,较去年全年提高了16.9%。 完井服务方面,宏华继续聚焦页岩气市场。压裂服务业务范围拓展,实现从单一的泵注服务拓展到全套电动压裂服务的突破;泵注服务订单与工作量均实现大幅增长,全年提供泵注服务约3000段,较去年同期增长2.5倍。公司首次获得西南油气田致密油气勘探开发项目部9千万人民币压裂服务合同,与中石油附属公司签订总金额约5千万人民币的页岩气压裂工程服务协议。压裂装备成套化目标按计划稳步实现,以装备带动服务,集团独立自主研发的6000HP电动压裂泵、电动混砂撬、智慧指挥控制中心、10...

China Success Finance Announces 2019 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - China Success Finance Group Holdings Limited ("China Success Finance" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries the "Group", stock code: 3623) is pleased to announce its audited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019. During the year, the Group continued to steadily foster the development of its traditional businesses and actively advanced business exploration and innovation. Therefore, the major business segment recorded a rapid growth, contributing to the 41.5% year-on-year surge to approximately RMB86.3 million. As of 31 December 2019, the Group's cash and bank deposits increased by approximately 28.1% as compared to 30 June 2019, reflecting the Group's sound financial position, which in turn provides a solid foundation for business development. However, as the probability of recovering certain assets was expected to decrease amidst adverse market condition, a substantial provision...

Honghua Group Achieves Annual Revenue Growth for Third Consecutive Year While Its Triple Innovations Ensure Sustainable Development

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The globally leading onshore oil rig supplier Honghua Group Limited (Ticker: 196.HK, "Honghua" or "the Company") today announced unaudited consolidated annual results for the year ending on 31 December 2019 ("the period"). During the period, centering on the principles of "Business Model Innovation, Management Innovation, Technology Innovation", Honghua continued to explore the model for high-quality sustainable development. Honghua recorded rapid growth in both operating revenue and net profit during the year, reaching a record high since its listing in 2015. Honghua's revenue from continuing operations amounted to approximately RMB4,425.7 million, representing an increase of 5.2% from RMB4,205.2 million for 2018. The profit attributable to equity shareholders increased by 30.6% from RMB82.3 million for 2018 to approximately RMB107.5 million in 2019 while basic earnings per share in 2019 was RMB2....

China Success Finance Announces 2019 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - China Success Finance Group Holdings Limited ("China Success Finance" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries the "Group", stock code: 3623) is pleased to announce its audited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019. During the year, the Group continued to steadily foster the development of its traditional businesses and actively advanced business exploration and innovation. Therefore, the major business segment recorded a rapid growth, contributing to the 41.5% year-on-year surge to approximately RMB86.3 million. As of 31 December 2019, the Group's cash and bank deposits increased by approximately 28.1% as compared to 30 June 2019, reflecting the Group's sound financial position, which in turn provides a solid foundation for business development. However, as the probability of recovering certain assets was expected to decrease amidst adverse market condition, a substantial provision...

Viva Biotech Announced 2019 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Mar 31, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Viva Biotech Holdings (the "Group" or "Viva Biotech"; stock code: 1873.HK), announced its annual results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2019 (the "Reporting Period"). During the Reporting Period, the Group's innovative twin drivers of cash-for-service (CFS) business and equity-for service (EFS) business contributed to each other to secure remarkable progress, driving the Group's revenue to increase significantly to RMB323.1 million from RMB210.0 million for the corresponding period last year, representing a year-on-year ("YOY") increase of 53.9%. And its net profit increased by 193.5% to RMB265.9 million from RMB90.6 million for the corresponding period last year. Financial Highlights For the year ended December 31, 2019 - Revenue amounted to approximately RMB323.1 million, representing a significant YOY increase of 53.9% from approximately RMB210.0 million in the same period last ye...